Thursday, February 11, 2010

Black History Month

Hello Internet:

I apologize for no post, but today I will do one now, and another later on. In honor of black history month, I am going to talk about race and our nationalities. My friend told me a story about how someone used the word Indian as a racial slur. But look at it the other way. Let's say ( to those of us that are white) we were a darker color. What would you do if someone called you "nigger" , "Indian", "chino" etc.

Where we came up with these racist acts/words is beyond me. We are all human and all the same regardless ofthe color of our skin. I guess what I am trying to say is don't judge. One of the greatest and most wise men I know is black. Some of the most genuine people I have met are black. These people know how it feels to be discriminated against, an because of that are the most open, sincere people in our society today. Don't get me wrong, a lot of my white friends are sincere and honest as well, but there is something special about ethnic people.

They seem to laugh more, enjoy life, and just live better. They have fully understood what sister/brotherhood is about and are there for eachother. They use their race as an advantage to build better friendships, where as the whites are lost. Their big heads run with the idea that they are the "best" at everything.

So I challenge you Internet: in the month of black history month- reach out to different races and learn from them.

-Miss Optimistic

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