Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day.

Hello Internet:

First of all, Happy Valentine's Day. I personally dislike the holiday because I think it is bull shit that people created a specific day to show their love, when we should be doing it non-stop.

I think our culture is so wrapped up in this idea that we need to buy and need to celebrate, that we forget that we don't need Thanksgiving to be thankful, we don't need Valentine's day to show our love, we don't NEED Halloween to buy candy. I don't even know why we celebrate half the holidays we do, and just found out in a class that Valentine's day is actually celebrating a saint? haha what?! The holiday now has NOTHING to do with a Saint...Pathetic.

BUT! to those of you that do love this holiday, enjoy it. Love the company of love and embrace it.

On a side note.

I may keep repeating myself...but I ask you...Why do we all get caught up in this judgmental bull shit?

For example: MUSIC. Love music listen to every genre, but when a friend today asked what I was listening to and I replied John Mayer, he said John Mayer is a fag.

Of course my response was calm and reasonable: "The thing is you aren't accepting of other things. You just have your own way and expect other people to do your way too. Instead of making fun of my music choice...maybe you should start broadening your horizons and stop being so god damn stubborn!"

And then signed offline...haha

The sad part about it, is he texts me denying he is stubborn, but isn't that what's funny. If you deny and get defensive about something, most likely it is true. Take addiction for example, you say "No, I'm fine...It's just a once in a while thing..I can quit whenever I want" translation: "I am addicted, I don't know how to stop!"

What a joke. I laughed, and the fact he used the word choice he did appalled me. A week or so ago we were in class and he told me to hook him up with one of my soon to be sisters, so I took his computer and of course went on facebook, showed him pictures to only get "no's" because they were not pretty enough. I got so angry, because the girls that are in the house I am a new member at are the sweetest most genuine girls I have ever met. Yet because they may not be the prissy "look at me look at me" spoiled "sorority" girls he tilts his nose up and looks the other way. BULL SHIT! When did our society get so fucking shallow?!

Enjoy what is around you, enjoy each day, and enjoy people for who they are- not what they have or what they look like.

C'mon people- grow up!

-Miss Optimistic.

P.S. that is why I don't like this holiday, because people take people for granted until this holiday rolls around and then all of a sudden they are sooo happy that they have their companion- because they aren't single on single's awareness day!

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