Monday, February 15, 2010


Hello Internet-

So I want to start this entry by stressing how important communication is between two people. Whether it be friends, family, companions, or especially roommates. If there is no communication, emotions build and things are said or done that weren't intentionally meant.

For example. My roommate a sweetheart, very peppy, and loves to have fun and go out all of a sudden stoppedtalking to me, or in general around me, gave me and my friends dirty looks and stopped beig considerate of me and my room as well. Today after me and a friend left the room I finally texted her and was like look I'm sorry if I did something wrong, but would like it if you talked to me about it. So after a few weeks of awkward looks and silence, she finally tells me she doesn't feel comfortable coming home to her room anymore. And the reason why made me laugh. Because I have close friend here who is of a different sexand I enjoy spending time with him that irritates her? But that's not even all of it. She took blew one of his comments way out of poportion and after that didn't want him in our room.

Granted she is busy with pledging and whatever she does- she is rarely in our room. But I do understand the fact that when she does come home, she doesn't wantto come home to people- she just wants to relax. Although, her one friend who is the same sex and is ALWAYS in our room is there when I want to relax and my roommate knows that I am not the fondest of her.

So, how is this fair? There are a lot of things other people may have that you don't, but honestly instead of getting hostile and angry do something about it. She had talked to me a while ago about how she wanted a good guy friend to just lie in bed with and talk with. I honestly think she feels comfortable when she's in our room- I think she just feels a little jealous I have something she doesn't. It's funny she has everything, perfect family, good girlfriends, a social life, etc but lately rolls have been switching and I am content with my life. Making girlfriends and getting a social life and an amazing guy to spend my down time with.

Here is the thing. We all want what we can't have, but instead of looking at what others have and feeling sorry for yourself- go and find it! Because it is outthere. If you really want something why wait for it to happen? Go and make it happen.

I want to share a quote that was emailed to me today....

"Whatever feelings you have within you are attracting your tomorrow.

Worry attracts more worry. Anxiety attracts more anxiety. Unhappiness attracts more unhappiness. Disatisfaction attracts more disatisfaction.
Joy attracts more joy. Happiness attracts more happiness. Peace attracts more peace. Gratitude attracts more gratitude. Kindness attracts more kindness. And love attracts more love.

Your job is an inside one. To change your world, all you have to do is change the way you feel."

: by Rhonda Byrne writer of The Secret

-Miss Optimistic

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