Friday, February 12, 2010


Hello Internet:

So as I am basking in this glorious sunny RARE day... I started thinking about how beautiful days are with a little bit of sun. Then- ran across this quote-

"False friends are like our shadow. Keeping close to us while we walk in the sunshine, but leaving us the instant we cross into the shade." - Christian Nestell Bovee

And after reading, couldn't help but realize how true that quote is. We all have friends, but I can guarantee a lot of them are as Bovee says "false". We need to surround ourselves with positivity- because then life will wreak of happiness and positivity- what we all need.

Let go of the bad influences in your life...they will only drag you down and ruin you even more. For example:

I worked as a waitress at this restaurant. My sister used to work there and warned me: there are a lot of drugs at that place. I had quit smoking weed about a year before I started working there. I had this best friend, who was the worst influence on me ever. First being around her high all the time and her smoking around me didn't seem like a big deal, started smoking again. The friends I was hanging out with were "false" friends. Even me and her joked about it when I had to go back to get a little extra cash that we were just each others drug buddies if you will haha. (I am sorry to my family, when you read this.) Then, seeing pills being popped left and right and snorted left and right up in the bathrooms that didn't seem too bad either. By the end of the 8 months or so I had worked there...I had realized how awful this place was for me. I grew far from my mom and my family. Lost a lot of friends, and had people borrowing money from me to use on drugs and I never got it back. I was the restaurants little toy. I lost my "best false friend" I didn't want anything to do with these numbing drugs anymore. I wanted my old friends back and wanted my mom back most importantly. My dog, was the only thing that seemed real in my life. I walked around numb to everything, because I literally was. It was funny because I thought I was so strong and beyond all of that, but with the "false friends" around, was so blinded and didn't realize I was falling far into a hole I would never want to be in. I stopped loving myself yet again, and just turned to anything to fill this empty spot in my heart.

The best thing that happened to me was a hispanic man I worked with. My best friend. I was his "bebita" and he would've done anything for me. Unfortunately he went to jail for being drunk after a huge fight we got into, and is now back in Mexico. But he was a real friend. A shadow that followed me into the shade. He hated seeing me do what I was doing and when he went to jail I left the restaurant. That was my realization that the whole 6 months I had just lived through were a joke.

Do not let these people who pretend to care about you drag you down. We are all beautiful and all human, and we deserve the best. I will say that if I had not gone through the last year of my life, I would still not be as strong as I am now. I don't need drugs, nor do I even want them, a waste of my time and money. I spent enough numb moments to know how much better living sober is.

If you look to your friends and they are all false...reach to me. Comment,e-mail me.

Whatever you want I will listen respond, anything.

"I can be your sunny day
The one who keeps your troubles away
You're my one and only, and when you're feeling lonely
I can wipe the tears from your face."

-Good Love by The Last Goodnight.

On that note Internet: start looking at the people around you and make sure that you are happy and the people are "true" friends.

-Miss Optimistic

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