Sunday, February 21, 2010

What's In a Day

Hello Internet-

Today is short and sweet...but I want you to think about your days. What are they made of, who are they made of, and where are they made of.

What makes a day a good day, or what makes a day a bad day?
Who even created this idea of a 24 hour day, where we sleep for half of it? Where we stress for the other, where we are angry, sad, happy, relaxed, all these emotions for the half of it. Where did all of these emotions come from?

What is in a day? A lover, a bed, homework, a book, a pet, who knows what is in a day...because each day is different and each day consists of different things.

The thing I want you to think about is what is in a lot of your days? Why do you keep that thing around? Think about how that thing is important, or unimportant, think about what it would be like without that thing...and then start appreciating it.

Again, don't take things, people, places, anything for granted- you may be so thankful one day, but when you keep talking and using they eventually will get tired of it and before you know it they'll be gone.

Amor todo lo- LOVE IT ALL!

-Miss Optimistic

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