Monday, February 1, 2010


Hello Internet:

So inspiration is a beautiful thing. Whether it be a beautiful snowy day or just a word heard in passing. Inspiration is something found in many things: art, music, life, love, friendship, food, clothing, and everything else you can think of. Today I stumbled upon a book called "The 1000 Journals Project" by SOMEGUY.

It is a bunch of pages from different journals and they all come together to make this book of inspiring words, drawings, images, sayings, etc. There was one that really really stood out to me, so of course I decided to tell you all about it :-).

Four photo negatives, from a camera, spewed on the page with a simple strip of white with bright black letters saying, "MY FATHER SAID : ALWAYS SAVE THE NEGATIVES"

What a powerful message...and I wish I knew who wrote it, because I would give them props. People do say, live in the moment, forget the past but honestly, you can't. I believe I have stated in previous posts to live and don't take things for granted etc., to love each moment ladeeda, if not well I just did. But honestly, the "negatives" are what made you and the person you are today.

People always seem to remember the positives, but why forget the negatives when they are such a huge part of your life. All the negatives teach you what NOT to do, where all the positives teach you WHAT TO DO, and even vice versa too. It's sad though, because people are so easy to forget all the negatives, that they forget part of where they came from and who they are.

A lot of the negatives in my life have just been hurdles to get over. My family for instance has had numerous accounts of trying to fix and mend others, a lot of anger and emotion is sewn throughout my family, and looking back has only made me more wise. "Wisdom is the aging of the soul"- is a quote I kinda came up with today, and it's true.

My sisters have been my negative angels; trust me this is a good thing. Through their falls and stumbles, they have cleared the weeded path for me. Although some of the things they have done I have fallen prey too, they still love me and I love them no matter what. Addiction I the biggest negative in many peoples lives.

What is addiction? How does it take hold to one's heart, soul, and or mind? Why, why do certain people get addicted to certain things?

People in my family had problems with drugs, an uncle and grandpa alcoholics, a father who's a workaholic, a sister who dealt with pain issues and took the pain out on her own body, there are sooo many addictions in this world, but why?

I ask you internet, what is it about that thrill that gets you hooked on this object.

I can say through my little addictions I have experienced in life, my biggest one is now loving unconditionally, and sometimes it can be the worst addiction ever...because I get hurt more than I want to.

Any who...getting off topic :-P. Although these addictions have paved a road in my life, and those that surround me, people learn to use the road to get to point A to point B, instead of ignoring it and going around it.

New things in life are always a good thing, but I ask you Internet- do NOT forget where you came from. The past may hurt to look back on, but if you didn't go through where ever you came from- you would not be the beautiful human beings you are now.

So I leave you with this to ponder Internet: Think about your most "negative" time in life, and look at where it brought you. Embrace these negatives, and like the boy or girls father said "ALWAYS SAVE THE NEGATIVES"

-Miss Optimistic

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