Sunday, January 31, 2010

Giving Back.

Hello Internet:

So, today was a day centered around giving back to the community and volunteering. Not only do I think that giving back is the best way to help yourself, but it is the best way to help others. And I don't mean help others by writing a check or sending cash to Haiti...they need first hand help.

I think money donations are the cheapest and easiest way out to give back. It's kinda saying "oh, well I'm donating money, I'm helping the community" type of deal- but think about you even know where your money GOES?

I challenge you Internet, find one weekend where you are free and just give back what you have been given yourself. Help tutor kids in elementary school or something, because you may or may not be lucky enough to have a great education; I for one am soo lucky with where I am and or have been education wise. Volunteer to pick up trash on the side of the road or something. Do something- because when you give back you are only helping and benefiting yourself.

Short post, but I leave you with this to ponder Internet: What would you do if you didn't have parents and or guardians who have helped you along the way in need- imagine not having them. What would you do? How would you get help?

Now- put yourself in their shoes, and do something about it.

Let us all start working together to....MAKE A DIFFERENCE!

-Miss Optimistic

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