Friday, January 29, 2010


Hello Internet:

So today I have been inspired to write twice.

I got a text from an old friend saying: "Hey you! Answer me this, why do things always happen in groups? Good or bad, things seem to occur round the same time."

My response: "Haha what do you mean? You mean like why is it when something good is going on; it seems everything is good at the time and vice versa?"

He says: "Yea long them lines. I told ya about this one girl at work, well now there's another girl interested too! Luckily, I only work with one of them... ;-)"

{note- some of these words have been changed due to language that I feel is disrespectful to women.}

So I ask you Internet....and excuse my language, because this type of thing really pisses me off... WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!

Seriously, I am so tired of people who take everything they have for granted- and they wonder why they are not happy! Every one wants and wants and wants more, but they never take a look at what they have!!!

Quotes from The Secret:
Marci Shimoff once said, "Gratitude is absolutely the way to bring more into your life."

James Ray once said, "Gratitude has been such a powerful exercise for me. Every morning I get up and say 'Thank you.' Every morning when my feet hit the floor, 'Thank you.' And then I start running through what I'm grateful for, as I'm brushing my teeth and doing the things I do in the morning. And I'm not just thinking about them and doing some rote routine. I'm putting it out there and I'm feeling the feelings of GRATITUDE."

So I ask you Internet- What are you grateful for?

I am grateful for my Mom. Without her I would not be the strong independent person I am today. Although we have had our arguments and disagreements, she has done nothing but guide me to where I should be. Ultimately, she would do anything for me, and vice versa. She has listened to me cry and bitch and complain about ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, and yet she still sits there and listens. Mom- if you read this, know that I thank you tremendously for everything you have done for me...I love you unconditionally and would be lost with out you. You are my sun on a cloudy day! And know if you ever need anything, since you have done so much for me- know I AM ALWAYS there for you...even if it may seem weird coming to me for things, I am here.

My sisters- They have done nothing but show me what to be, and of course.... (no offense) what not to be. Know that I love you both and as with Mom, would be lost without you. You have taught me more than I could know! What you may see as your flaws; I see as your strengths. You both are strong and beautiful and smart women, and even if I am rude and angry sometimes: know I give tough love and I just want to see both of you happy and successful.

My dad- I am thankful that you have taught me many things about life in the business world and life as a grown up. If anything our relationship has taught me to grow up quicker. Without having a father around emotionally of physically forced me to search with in myself and find that comfort of a father. Whether you read this or not, doesn't matter... you haven't gotten it before, so I don't think this will change your mind. I ask you Dad. What are you grateful for? I know that in some odd way of showing it, you do love us, and always will...but why do you only do things on your terms. Me and my sisters have been trying to get it through your head that all we wanted was a dad around...and that we love you. You are a part of all of us and would do anything for you, and we appreciate all that you do for us...but I ask, why isn't that enough? Sometimes I feel you take us for granted, but one day when one of us isn't there anymore...I think you will be very sad at what you missed out on.

MY DOG! I am so grateful for my dog. He is my everything and my best friend. I love him with every inch of love I can give.

My friends of course who have been there for me through whatever. Don't change- listen to people, and keep loving as you do. Be accepting and continue to grow. I'm glad you have been with me, I would not have made it without you through all of my past struggles.

Lastly, I am thankful for today, for the luxuries I have, my education, my travels, all of the unimportant things that we really don't need in life. I am thankful for every breathe, for every bite of food, for every sip of water.

I am thankful for my life and what I have to offer those that are around me.

So, Internet: now that I have opened up a bit and gone on a more personal level; which was not intended...take a look around at what you have.

Things happen, like I said in a few posts ago, NOTHING is permanent. Live for today, that's why they call it the "present" because every day is a gift.

Much love and Thanks
-Miss Optimistic.

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