Thursday, January 28, 2010

Everything Happens For a Reason...?

Hello Internet:

As I was walking to where ever I was getting to this morning with my Ipod which is always on shuffle...a song came on that got me thinking...what if we are all meant for one person.
Silly, I know, but honestly the song "Won't Stop" by onerepublic, made me really really consider.

In my whole lifetime I have never felt like I was in love. Never once have I gotten that urge to consider being with that one guy for an extended period of time. For me I feel love should be "easy", but as we all know, one of my favorite sayings being is, "If it's easy, it ain't worth it." I once told a guy that I have never had a long relationship because it never seems to just two puzzle pieces, and what did he say in return?

Boy: "It may be easy in the beginning but love is something you have to work for. Something both people want unconditionally and will do anything to keep it going."

I had never heard something like that, of course "love" isn't as easy as me and my mom, and family's love. I LOVE MY FAMILY no matter what. Even in my biggest fits of rage, I have never said I hated someone and actually meant it...normally I mean I love them.

But anyway, back on par. The lyrics specifically say,
"'Cause I swear it's you, I swear it's you
I swear it's you that I've waited for.
And I swear it's you, I swear it's you
I swear it's you that my heart beats for;
And it ain't gonna stop, no it just won't stop."

Lately I have been spending a lot of time with a certain some one and honestly, I feel something not love, but it is "easy", "fun", and most importantly it makes me happy. No arguments, no drama, no question, it just "is what it is" (This is something you will probably hear me say a lot :-] )

What if we were just made for that one person, what if our other relationships or what have you are our paths on a map that are leading us straight to that one person. Sure people get married divorced ladeeda...but ultimately, we do end up happy right?

Ultimately, our heart continues beating for that one person, that's why we keep living and pressing forward, because we haven't found that one yet.

The way I see life is everything happens for a reason, every heart ache, success, failure, gain, loss, etc. is only leading you closer to your final destination. Of course we make choices that will effect the path we take, but just like when we get lost in a car, we may take different roads but we always get to the final destination.

I guess the next thing to ponder is, why worry where you are going to end up?

Why stress over this or that when stressing does nothing but erode at the insides of our beautiful souls. Live life to the fullest, accept every road block that comes your way; there will always be a detour!

Something to ponder: Why do people always freak out when they aren't in control? Why don't we just sit back and enjoy the beautiful ride of life...

-Miss Optimistic

1 comment:

  1. Just to touch on what you've said (which I'm very happy you've said by the way :) I was reading an inspirational book and it stated that despite all the math and physics by the biggest brains in the business, NASA missions spend about 90% of their time in space off course. What happens is a series of small corrections to make sure they get to the intended destinations. I truly believe that as long as we walk in faith to our destination that we will get there no matter what the route. I love you and I am glad you have shared your thoughts.

