Friday, January 29, 2010

Happy Birthday!!!!!

Hello Internet:

First I want to start this post off with a Happy Birthday wish.!! It is one of my closest friends' birthday, and I must say....HAPPY FUCKING BIRTHDAY!!!! :-) [excuse my language!]

To this friend I dedicate this post, they know who they are....

This friend even though has been in and out of my life and our friendship never seems to be quite consistent I know they are always there and vice versa. I think that's what we all need in life...just knowing someone is there and that comfort of a loving, caring friend. I love you friend- and I hope you have an amazing day!

But continuing on....

Today I had a discussion with a few peers, about this idea of rhetoric, and how persuasive talk and or symbols are "planned." But I ask you Internet, do we really know we are persuading others to do or buy or act a certain way? Do we all really think through everything we say? I know for a long time I just said whatever came to mind- most of the time getting me in trouble.... :-) But then I read this book... The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, (By the way I suggest everyone reads it- it is now my bible and gave me so much insight into what is really going on in life. I will probably quote the book quite a bit throughout the time of this blog.) after reading this book, I do admit I "plan" what I say even if it is with a friend or peer. BUT!! The main thing I think our culture forgets about is this idea of silence!

George A. Kennedy states in his Comparative Rhetoric book "Silence is the initial calmness that listens to what others say and shows respect for them and self-dignity. The value put on silence is not a denial of the power of words; Fox quotes... 'speaking is more powerful than any fight.' "

A week or so ago I made a new friend, our first what is normal to be "awkward silence" was not. He told me, "Wow, I thought that was going to be awkward but you didn't make it awkward at all..." something along those lines. But when you think about it, our culture or society is so hung up on talking and talking about ourselves or others especially GOSSIP-the worst and most disgusting form of communication our world knows-but we never appreciate the silence around us.

A couple days after the first "silence" with my friend...he told me, "I like the fact that you don't feel like you always need to talk." My response: "Talking is like crying wolf; you keep talking, people stop listening."

I hadn't realized how powerful my words were until he rushed to write them down to later try to incorporate them into a song. But it is true. Before every movie at a movie theater, what is the one saying we all know? "Silence is GOLDEN".... But when we think about it, in our world silence isn't golden. People LOVE to talk...but why? You can tell so much more about a person with what they DON'T say, then what they do.

So I leave you with this to ponder Internet: How much do you talk versus listen?

I challenge you to start listening and observing, you will be AMAZED at all you were missing out on. If you listen to what people say it'll give you insight on some things you may have been looking for. Listen and when "The right moment to speak" (Kennedy) occurs, talk. Sleep is the most peaceful time of my day, and it is always silent, our mind is silent, our thoughts are silent, our voices are silent, and that is why sleep is most important to me. Start listening.

-Miss Optimistic

1 comment:

  1. I like that line "Talking is like crying wolf; you keep talking, people stop listening." I'll probably use it too :) My line is "You have 2 ears and 1 mouth because you are to listen twice as much as you are to speak"

