Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Tights....are not pants.

Hello Internet:

So, today is more of a funny/WTF? type post. There is a difference between tights, you know the see-through ones, and spandex tights like cotton or whatever...that you can't see-through haha.

I will say this, and I do not mean this in a rude way what so ever...but sometimes I have to wonder what people are thinking when they get up in the morning. Yes a lot of people do not have the money to go and get nice clothes, I don't being a college student...and personally Forever 21 is cheap with good clothes. Good Will has cheap cute clothes too. The thing is is I feel that people just really don't care about themselves by the way they dress.

This girl in my one class I swear she is a hooker (no disrespect) at heart. Apparently a sweetheart I have never personally talked to her, but she wears these see-through tights with short shirts that barely cover her ass. And although this is wrong, my friends and I get some sort of guilty pleasure trying to figure out what she thinks when she looks in the mirror in the morning. The fact that she is clearly wearing a thong under these shear tights and you can clearly see a "full moon" out in a prison cell class room is astonishing!

I will admit, I am not the most fashionable person on this planet, and would love to have millions of dollars and just own a store in my house, but I think clothing speaks volumes.

If I wore sweat pants, a grungy shirt, and pulled my hair back and stumbled into work, I can guarantee they would say "Ummm.....there is the door bum." And that's the sad part, we are all constantly being judged; honestly though, there are some limits.

I feel uncomfortable when my shorts don't go to my finger tips, when my shirt doesn't go past my belt line, or for that matter anymore, even cover my ass. I just don't see how some girls can flaunt there shit, whether it be their boobs popping out of their shirts, or asses hanging out of shorts, or literally wearing nothing to cover themselves.

It is a profession and whether you see the porn/stripper/prostitute industry as art/entertainment/ or a disgrace, it is going on. This need to be SEXY and sultry. Which to me is sad. Yes, I own some sexy clothing, but I don't really wear it. I feel so uncomfortable and love just wearing jeans, or yoga pants and a t-shirt.

Ultimately, my point I am trying to get at, is don't let the fact that people are constantly judging us change what you wear. I will always be comfortable and dress comfortable.

-Miss Optimistic

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