Monday, April 26, 2010

High Schoolers.

Hello Internet-

I have been stuck in an odd situation. I don't really know what to do, nor do I know how to explain how stupid people can be.

First of all, I graduated high school a semester early to get away from the stupid drama, fights, and immaturity of the people I was suffocated by. So excited to start over, I am now finding people take a lot longer to change then me. A 20 year old friend I swear is acting like she's in maybe 9th grade. I mean, Seriously?

The problem with her is, she has all these insecurities, but because she is so insecure denies there is anything wrong with her to everyone else. Puts on this mask and walks around like her shit don't stink, and then when someone calls her out on it- it's their fault (aka me.)

A great girl, A LOT a head of her, if she just woke up and smelled the roses. Some how her insecurities and her being a shitty friend lately, aka ignoring me when I was in a bathroom with her for 15 minutes talking with the people she was with and she didn't say a word to me. I said hi and she said nothing. Then I wake up to a text message the next morning asking me if I was there. Seriously?!

Haven't talked to her all last week then texts me to put in a good word for her to my friend. Hahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!! I almost died. I do not do anything for people who I don't think deserve it. A friend I will do anything for- and when I say anything I mean anything.

So conversation goes on, and somehow it all turns around on me (typical) and because I have a boyfriend and talk to him about mine and her conversations it is my fault. Well this makes sense.

I don't understand Internet. I mean, I know I think differently than a lot of people, act different, am more mature than a lot of people my age- but seriously?!

How stupid can people really be?! How the fuck is this my fault because I talk to my boyfriend?! I mean, agree with me or not- but that just seems like she's more fucked up in the head than she leads on. More insecurities than she wants me to see. But, I'm not blind.

My point of this post Internet, is similar to last. Don't get stuck in the petty high school shit. If you are in high school, enjoy it while your there, if you are in college- WAKE UP! You are in college. That is a chapter behind you; you don't need the gossip and the petty stupid bull shit. If you are out of college; I hope you have grown and learned enough to realize high school is way way way past you!

I have been listening to this song Hands by Jewel lately-

"If I could tell the world just one thing, it would be that we're all OK. And not to worry, cause worry is wasteful and useless in times like these." - Jewel

And that's what I want you to think about. Why Worry? What does worrying do to us Internet? It ruins us, gives us insecurities, and takes away the beautiful people inside of us. If you are worrying, try to just let it slip away. If not, there is always a way to vent it out and get it away.

-Miss Optimistic

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Figure it out on your own

Hello Internet-

So, I'm not even sure if anyone is even really reading this other than my followers- but like I said in my very first post, it is not about who is following or who is reading this, it is about getting my thoughts, ideas, and beliefs for other people to see; if they chose to do so.

I learned a lesson yesterday. I mean, I learn lessons every day, that's life, but I learned a valuable one I already knew. When something is going wrong you can't have someone else tell you that it's not right, you need to see that it is wrong in order to correctly fix it.

Do not be blind to yourself. Everyone makes mistakes and everyone has that one person that has that magical power over us. That magical power could possibly start blinding us to the life you started, make things gray and fuzzy again. That power so strong you can't deny it. What I realized, is that powers can be over come.

We need to realize that old habits are old habits. You can't change or be different if you are always falling into bad habits. For example. An alcoholic- always an alcoholic, hence why they can't drink ever again once they go sober.

An ex is always going to be an ex. If you shared some sort of bond with them it will always come back. But I will tell you now, do not let someone else ruin what you have in your life. If it is good- keep it, if it's bad get rid of it.

Internet, I know you are smart. Just be aware of your surroundings. Be aware of what makes you happy. Be aware of what you are doing wrong or right. It isn't a bad thing if you are doing things wrong- you are just being human.

So Internet- Last thing I want to say to you, figure your flaws out on your own. Don't let people tell you who you are or who you aren't. Secondly, find that love within yourself. If you don't love yourself you won't be able to let people in to love you as well.

Have a wonderful day everyone,
-Miss Optimistic

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Don't be a Whiner!

Watch this video.

Don't be a complainer, be a problem solver.

-Miss Optimistic

The "R" Factor.

Hello Internet:

Today started out good. Slept in late, almost missed my first class, yet again :-). But for some reason I forced myself out of bed, and made myself get to class. Sit through class, had a quiz, leave early, go talk to another teacher about material on our test on Monday, go to Starbucks.

As I'm waiting in the ridiculously long line at the coffee shop, I was texting (no surprise there). A man to my right goes, "I guess it's the thing to do: text in line?"

Confused at the small talk he was trying to make I replied, "Excuse me?" Really I just didn't hear him. So, he repeated himself. Then goes into detail are you a student here? What's your major? I replied. Then I asked what he was doing here, visiting?

This man replies, no I work with a management company and am giving a speech at your school today.

(my eyes widen...considering my plan in college is to dual major in management. HELLO!!!! RED FLAG WAVING!! PAY ATTENTION!)

So as I ask more about what he's going to be talking about we get into this 30 minute conversation about life pretty much. I mean he was talking about his "business" and the theories he has with his business, but all awhile it all intertwined with the book I talk so highly about The Secret.

So anyway, he explains to me: Three men can go through the same experience. One man can go through it and lose sight of who he is. Get defeated by the tragedy that just happened. The loss in his business if you will. Another man may go through the same experience and not be moved by it. The business stays consistent. The third man goes through the same experience and thrives from this tragedy. Learns from it and makes his business successful.

(Sounds to me like he's talking about not just business but life.)

So we get to the line, order drinks, etc. While we wait I had to ask.

"Have you ever read this book called The Secret by Rhonda Byrne?"

His response:

"I always read. I have read everything, but my only problem with The Secret, is I don't think it's about the law of attraction and wanting things to come to you. I think it's about the person being effective, and being aware of their life. (HOLY SHIT THIS MAN UNDERSTANDS MY MIND!!!!- is what was going through my mind.) It's funny because a lot of people are just oblivious to their flaws, their strengths, what their doing in their life; they just don't realize who they are. The thing is, is people try to criticize, to help, and people see it as bad and get defensive. If people accepted the criticism and were more aware and effective with how they ran their life people would be much happier and successful. When I was talking before about the situation and the three men, there are always going to be negatives and positives in our lives. It's how we maneuver around all these obstacles that make us either a successful person or a not successful person."

The man is so right. By the way, his name I later found out is Tim Kight. Check out his website- may be some useful information.

And, he also told me about this book he's coming out with called- you guessed it.

"The R Factor"


But think about it, we always are looking at the negative things, and not the positives in the situation. Like I have talked about death before, so did he. He said people need to start using that as a way to better themselves. Basically, see the optimistic side to things.

After the long chit chat, He says: "Maybe our paths will cross again".

NOW!! If I have learned anything from The Secret, is that things happen for a reason. Whether you attract them to yourself or not.

I was supposed to have that conversation, and supposed to be at starbucks and be late to help a friend for that reason. Life works in funny ways Internet.

Start looking at how things are kinda just handed to you. Start paying attention to the little things, because BIG things could happen from them.

Enjoy the day Internet...I am :-)

-Miss Optimistic

Friday, April 16, 2010

This book.

Hello Internet-
So I have been hidden in a book lately. "When Things Fall Apart" by Pema Chodron. I think I have talked about it before, but lately I have actually had time to read more than 10 pages. I recommend people read it. The thing she stresses is how life isn't over when we feel it is.

"We are raised in a culture that fears death and hides it from us. Nevertheless, we experience it all the time. We experience it in the form of disappointment, in the form of things not working out. We experience it in the form of things always being in a process of change. When the day ends, when the second ends, when we breathe out, that's death in every day life. Death in everyday life could also be defined as experiencing all the things that we don't want...When we have reminders of death, we panic. But whatever our style is, it's not simple. It's not bare bones."(pg 43-44)

One of my close friends' grandfather passed away from cancer this past week. We live to die, we all know this. Yet we fear the idea of death. The idea of things ending. I don't get why we fear it so much, because with every death comes life. When the day ends, tomorrow is a new one; when the second ends, there are more to follow; when we breathe out, we breathe in shortly after. That's life in everyday life.

The thing about Death is, we fear it because no one shines the light on such an optimistic topic. Death is the only way we get something new. We have a bad day, tomorrow will be better. With each death comes life, and THAT is everyday life.

So Internet- when we start seeing death in our lives, think about the life that comes from them.

-Miss Optimistic

Monday, April 12, 2010

Is the fight worth it?

Hello Internet-

I ask you maybe again, maybe for the first time, to look around. Look at the boy sitting all by himself with his head hidden in a book. Look at the pretty girls who you always see together and only with them, never with anyone else. Look at the multicultural people who work together and help each other, and pretty much only each other. Most importantly, look at yourself, and where you fit into society.

I told someone today, my generation pisses me off. The thing about my generation is we are so inconsiderate, disrespectful, and just rude. We rarely hold doors for other people, we spread out at a table so no one else can sit there, we use derogatory terms, and most importantly have lost that old fashioned respect we have for one another.

I understand that I am one of very few who think the way I do, and barely anyone in my generation has these irritations and dislikes for how they act. They don't even care to be honest. They don't even pay attention to how people talk to each other, act with each other, etc.

I have come a very far way from who I was. I am very optimistic, hence my name, and open to everything. It is very hard to be around pessimistic energies when I used to be so negative about everything, and now rarely see the bad side to things. I have this problem of having way too high of expectations. For friends, boyfriends, coworkers, really everyone. I don't think that people in my life should be perfect, because we all have flaws, but I don't see how it is so hard that when you care about or love something why you wouldn't want to respect them, be considerate, understand, and try to make them grow.

The way I see life: when it is pouring, the sun is still shining through, when it's thundering there is always sunshine at the end of the storm, and when it's shining you couldn't have more beauty surrounding us.

I understand people will see that when it's pouring it is pouring, that when it's thundering it is thundering, and when the sun shining it is just sunny out. I understand people are not as optimistic and loving as I am, but I don't see why people wouldn't want to live their life in peace and love as much as they can.

The only time I argue, is if someone argues with me (I get defensive), or if I am passionate about something. IF Internet, you are passionate about something, why would you not want to fight for it? Why do you think they have groups against the war, same sex marriages and relationships, race, religion, etc. Because our country is based off of freedom. Where we have the right of speech, and we can voice our opinions.

I was told the other night "It's funny cause when a guy sleeps with 10 girls that's like kinda cool, but when you hear that from a girl, when she's slept with 10 guys, it just like I don't know." I want to know why, for a guy it is their "right" to feel they have to be more masculine, why they HAVE to be the one teaching, why they are supposed to be respected more than the woman. Where in our fucked up society has all of this bull shit become acceptable? Our country has fought so hard for equal rights and still discrimination, sexism, etc. continue today.

So I ask you Internet- Was the fight worth it? Were all the wars, the arguments, the debates worth where we are today? What bothers you about our society today? Or am I just over exaggerating?

After reading this...look around again, look at the multicultural group of kids that are ALWAYS helping each other regardless of if they just met or are old friends, look at the girls who just don't get it and still think cliques are cool, look at the lonely boy who doesn't want to deal with the bull shit our society has handed us. And again, lastly look at yourself. Where do you fit in Internet? Where are you in society? Are you with me in thinking that people need to stop being so stupid and realize that peace and love is the only way to live a happy life. Or are you the type of person who just writes everyone off and is negative? Either way is not wrong...just think.

-Miss Optimistic

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Never Know.

Hello Internet-

So today is a blah day. BEAUTIFUL out, but hot as hell. Why so blah? It's funny, life has a way of giving you things you weren't expecting. Something so perfect and so strong could in the blink of an eye break and seem so flawed. But isn't that the point? For life to give you this great thing and then pull it away?

It's kinda funny though, it's like life is constantly telling us to keep a look out, and to never feel too comfortable. Because life is ALWAYS changing. And I know I have talked about this in previous posts, but today that is all I can think about. The moment we get too comfortable, everything switches and then it doesn't feel comfortable anymore.

Ultimately, it'll all be okay, and we should know that. It always ends up being okay anyway. It's like that quote I hear a lot too "In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on."

So Internet, I think I just need to enjoy the sun, enjoy my day, and remember- life goes on.

-Miss Optimistic

Sunday, April 4, 2010


Hello Internet:

It's been a while, huh?

I woke up this morning, back hurting, stomach sore, tired, and confused. I have an application on my iphone for horoscopes, and decided to read it.

"People are apt to be as stubborn as you in their thinking today, Scorpio. This could be a recipe for disaster if you aren't careful. Open the floodgates a bit wider and take in more of the opinions of others. Don't automatically assume that other people have to conform to your viewpoint to resolve an issue. More than likely, there needs to be some give and take from all involved."

I had to laugh, how much more coincidental can you get. But in all seriousness, not just because my boyfriend and I tend to have different thoughts...and are both stubborn and one may forget about the other or be inconsiderate or what have you. That's normal.

The thing is, I'm not trying to bash him at all, just saying think about it. We expect people to change and form to "our lifestyles" but never think about forming to anyone else's. I don't mean to brag, but I have changed quite a bit in the fact that I will drop what I'm doing for my boyfriend, and sometimes I feel the favors are not returned. But, it's not just him.

Last night I went and celebrated a Sedar, no I'm not Jewish, not Catholic, not really anything, I was raised to believe whatever I thought. This amazing girl I met read this poem about her mother. How she just wished her mom could see and feel what she does, massage therapy. That her mom could understand what she does for people, and the power that her hands give people. I was talking to her after and was like I have never been more moved by something, and it just made so much sense.

Later on in the evening, we were all talking about how people just don't give a shit anymore. And think about it, when will people drop what they are doing for you? Rarely right. Mostly family will. I told the people in the room, something like...

"It comes with maturity. Immaturity is when you only think about yourself and when someone needs you you can't do it cause you are worrying about yourself. MATURITY is thinking about yourself and putting yourself first, but the moment someone around you needs you or shows some sign of vulnerability, realizes they need to put themselves aside for the moment. Maturity is realizing you are important, but you are not the only one living."

It's funny lately I have been having these pains in my stomach...and my friend asked how long has it been going on? I say on and off about 2-3 weeks. My boyfriend says, " this week has been the first time I have ever heard her complain about it."

But here is the thing, yes, I may be getting sharp stabbing pains in the middle of my abdomen, but when it's once or twice it's fine I'll get over it. I don't need to complain about it, because there are people suffering much worse on the inside then me. When it continues for a while, and I feel like I can't walk, and am in EXCRUCIATING pain, that is the time I bring it up.

The point of this post Internet, is realize the people around you. I challenge you to grow as a person; put yourself first, but realize there are other people around you. If someone you care about looks upset or in pain, you can drop yourself for a minute.

Open your eyes half way. The half closed is that wall for yourself. That strength you show others you have. And the open half is the vulnerability you have to others. Embrace people when they need someone, and put your shoulder down when your ego is too high for them to reach.

Love every ray of sunshine that comes your way.

-Miss Optimistic.