Monday, April 12, 2010

Is the fight worth it?

Hello Internet-

I ask you maybe again, maybe for the first time, to look around. Look at the boy sitting all by himself with his head hidden in a book. Look at the pretty girls who you always see together and only with them, never with anyone else. Look at the multicultural people who work together and help each other, and pretty much only each other. Most importantly, look at yourself, and where you fit into society.

I told someone today, my generation pisses me off. The thing about my generation is we are so inconsiderate, disrespectful, and just rude. We rarely hold doors for other people, we spread out at a table so no one else can sit there, we use derogatory terms, and most importantly have lost that old fashioned respect we have for one another.

I understand that I am one of very few who think the way I do, and barely anyone in my generation has these irritations and dislikes for how they act. They don't even care to be honest. They don't even pay attention to how people talk to each other, act with each other, etc.

I have come a very far way from who I was. I am very optimistic, hence my name, and open to everything. It is very hard to be around pessimistic energies when I used to be so negative about everything, and now rarely see the bad side to things. I have this problem of having way too high of expectations. For friends, boyfriends, coworkers, really everyone. I don't think that people in my life should be perfect, because we all have flaws, but I don't see how it is so hard that when you care about or love something why you wouldn't want to respect them, be considerate, understand, and try to make them grow.

The way I see life: when it is pouring, the sun is still shining through, when it's thundering there is always sunshine at the end of the storm, and when it's shining you couldn't have more beauty surrounding us.

I understand people will see that when it's pouring it is pouring, that when it's thundering it is thundering, and when the sun shining it is just sunny out. I understand people are not as optimistic and loving as I am, but I don't see why people wouldn't want to live their life in peace and love as much as they can.

The only time I argue, is if someone argues with me (I get defensive), or if I am passionate about something. IF Internet, you are passionate about something, why would you not want to fight for it? Why do you think they have groups against the war, same sex marriages and relationships, race, religion, etc. Because our country is based off of freedom. Where we have the right of speech, and we can voice our opinions.

I was told the other night "It's funny cause when a guy sleeps with 10 girls that's like kinda cool, but when you hear that from a girl, when she's slept with 10 guys, it just like I don't know." I want to know why, for a guy it is their "right" to feel they have to be more masculine, why they HAVE to be the one teaching, why they are supposed to be respected more than the woman. Where in our fucked up society has all of this bull shit become acceptable? Our country has fought so hard for equal rights and still discrimination, sexism, etc. continue today.

So I ask you Internet- Was the fight worth it? Were all the wars, the arguments, the debates worth where we are today? What bothers you about our society today? Or am I just over exaggerating?

After reading this...look around again, look at the multicultural group of kids that are ALWAYS helping each other regardless of if they just met or are old friends, look at the girls who just don't get it and still think cliques are cool, look at the lonely boy who doesn't want to deal with the bull shit our society has handed us. And again, lastly look at yourself. Where do you fit in Internet? Where are you in society? Are you with me in thinking that people need to stop being so stupid and realize that peace and love is the only way to live a happy life. Or are you the type of person who just writes everyone off and is negative? Either way is not wrong...just think.

-Miss Optimistic

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