Monday, April 26, 2010

High Schoolers.

Hello Internet-

I have been stuck in an odd situation. I don't really know what to do, nor do I know how to explain how stupid people can be.

First of all, I graduated high school a semester early to get away from the stupid drama, fights, and immaturity of the people I was suffocated by. So excited to start over, I am now finding people take a lot longer to change then me. A 20 year old friend I swear is acting like she's in maybe 9th grade. I mean, Seriously?

The problem with her is, she has all these insecurities, but because she is so insecure denies there is anything wrong with her to everyone else. Puts on this mask and walks around like her shit don't stink, and then when someone calls her out on it- it's their fault (aka me.)

A great girl, A LOT a head of her, if she just woke up and smelled the roses. Some how her insecurities and her being a shitty friend lately, aka ignoring me when I was in a bathroom with her for 15 minutes talking with the people she was with and she didn't say a word to me. I said hi and she said nothing. Then I wake up to a text message the next morning asking me if I was there. Seriously?!

Haven't talked to her all last week then texts me to put in a good word for her to my friend. Hahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!! I almost died. I do not do anything for people who I don't think deserve it. A friend I will do anything for- and when I say anything I mean anything.

So conversation goes on, and somehow it all turns around on me (typical) and because I have a boyfriend and talk to him about mine and her conversations it is my fault. Well this makes sense.

I don't understand Internet. I mean, I know I think differently than a lot of people, act different, am more mature than a lot of people my age- but seriously?!

How stupid can people really be?! How the fuck is this my fault because I talk to my boyfriend?! I mean, agree with me or not- but that just seems like she's more fucked up in the head than she leads on. More insecurities than she wants me to see. But, I'm not blind.

My point of this post Internet, is similar to last. Don't get stuck in the petty high school shit. If you are in high school, enjoy it while your there, if you are in college- WAKE UP! You are in college. That is a chapter behind you; you don't need the gossip and the petty stupid bull shit. If you are out of college; I hope you have grown and learned enough to realize high school is way way way past you!

I have been listening to this song Hands by Jewel lately-

"If I could tell the world just one thing, it would be that we're all OK. And not to worry, cause worry is wasteful and useless in times like these." - Jewel

And that's what I want you to think about. Why Worry? What does worrying do to us Internet? It ruins us, gives us insecurities, and takes away the beautiful people inside of us. If you are worrying, try to just let it slip away. If not, there is always a way to vent it out and get it away.

-Miss Optimistic

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