Sunday, April 25, 2010

Figure it out on your own

Hello Internet-

So, I'm not even sure if anyone is even really reading this other than my followers- but like I said in my very first post, it is not about who is following or who is reading this, it is about getting my thoughts, ideas, and beliefs for other people to see; if they chose to do so.

I learned a lesson yesterday. I mean, I learn lessons every day, that's life, but I learned a valuable one I already knew. When something is going wrong you can't have someone else tell you that it's not right, you need to see that it is wrong in order to correctly fix it.

Do not be blind to yourself. Everyone makes mistakes and everyone has that one person that has that magical power over us. That magical power could possibly start blinding us to the life you started, make things gray and fuzzy again. That power so strong you can't deny it. What I realized, is that powers can be over come.

We need to realize that old habits are old habits. You can't change or be different if you are always falling into bad habits. For example. An alcoholic- always an alcoholic, hence why they can't drink ever again once they go sober.

An ex is always going to be an ex. If you shared some sort of bond with them it will always come back. But I will tell you now, do not let someone else ruin what you have in your life. If it is good- keep it, if it's bad get rid of it.

Internet, I know you are smart. Just be aware of your surroundings. Be aware of what makes you happy. Be aware of what you are doing wrong or right. It isn't a bad thing if you are doing things wrong- you are just being human.

So Internet- Last thing I want to say to you, figure your flaws out on your own. Don't let people tell you who you are or who you aren't. Secondly, find that love within yourself. If you don't love yourself you won't be able to let people in to love you as well.

Have a wonderful day everyone,
-Miss Optimistic

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