Thursday, April 8, 2010

Never Know.

Hello Internet-

So today is a blah day. BEAUTIFUL out, but hot as hell. Why so blah? It's funny, life has a way of giving you things you weren't expecting. Something so perfect and so strong could in the blink of an eye break and seem so flawed. But isn't that the point? For life to give you this great thing and then pull it away?

It's kinda funny though, it's like life is constantly telling us to keep a look out, and to never feel too comfortable. Because life is ALWAYS changing. And I know I have talked about this in previous posts, but today that is all I can think about. The moment we get too comfortable, everything switches and then it doesn't feel comfortable anymore.

Ultimately, it'll all be okay, and we should know that. It always ends up being okay anyway. It's like that quote I hear a lot too "In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on."

So Internet, I think I just need to enjoy the sun, enjoy my day, and remember- life goes on.

-Miss Optimistic

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