Thursday, April 22, 2010

The "R" Factor.

Hello Internet:

Today started out good. Slept in late, almost missed my first class, yet again :-). But for some reason I forced myself out of bed, and made myself get to class. Sit through class, had a quiz, leave early, go talk to another teacher about material on our test on Monday, go to Starbucks.

As I'm waiting in the ridiculously long line at the coffee shop, I was texting (no surprise there). A man to my right goes, "I guess it's the thing to do: text in line?"

Confused at the small talk he was trying to make I replied, "Excuse me?" Really I just didn't hear him. So, he repeated himself. Then goes into detail are you a student here? What's your major? I replied. Then I asked what he was doing here, visiting?

This man replies, no I work with a management company and am giving a speech at your school today.

(my eyes widen...considering my plan in college is to dual major in management. HELLO!!!! RED FLAG WAVING!! PAY ATTENTION!)

So as I ask more about what he's going to be talking about we get into this 30 minute conversation about life pretty much. I mean he was talking about his "business" and the theories he has with his business, but all awhile it all intertwined with the book I talk so highly about The Secret.

So anyway, he explains to me: Three men can go through the same experience. One man can go through it and lose sight of who he is. Get defeated by the tragedy that just happened. The loss in his business if you will. Another man may go through the same experience and not be moved by it. The business stays consistent. The third man goes through the same experience and thrives from this tragedy. Learns from it and makes his business successful.

(Sounds to me like he's talking about not just business but life.)

So we get to the line, order drinks, etc. While we wait I had to ask.

"Have you ever read this book called The Secret by Rhonda Byrne?"

His response:

"I always read. I have read everything, but my only problem with The Secret, is I don't think it's about the law of attraction and wanting things to come to you. I think it's about the person being effective, and being aware of their life. (HOLY SHIT THIS MAN UNDERSTANDS MY MIND!!!!- is what was going through my mind.) It's funny because a lot of people are just oblivious to their flaws, their strengths, what their doing in their life; they just don't realize who they are. The thing is, is people try to criticize, to help, and people see it as bad and get defensive. If people accepted the criticism and were more aware and effective with how they ran their life people would be much happier and successful. When I was talking before about the situation and the three men, there are always going to be negatives and positives in our lives. It's how we maneuver around all these obstacles that make us either a successful person or a not successful person."

The man is so right. By the way, his name I later found out is Tim Kight. Check out his website- may be some useful information.

And, he also told me about this book he's coming out with called- you guessed it.

"The R Factor"


But think about it, we always are looking at the negative things, and not the positives in the situation. Like I have talked about death before, so did he. He said people need to start using that as a way to better themselves. Basically, see the optimistic side to things.

After the long chit chat, He says: "Maybe our paths will cross again".

NOW!! If I have learned anything from The Secret, is that things happen for a reason. Whether you attract them to yourself or not.

I was supposed to have that conversation, and supposed to be at starbucks and be late to help a friend for that reason. Life works in funny ways Internet.

Start looking at how things are kinda just handed to you. Start paying attention to the little things, because BIG things could happen from them.

Enjoy the day Internet...I am :-)

-Miss Optimistic

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