Sunday, January 31, 2010

Giving Back.

Hello Internet:

So, today was a day centered around giving back to the community and volunteering. Not only do I think that giving back is the best way to help yourself, but it is the best way to help others. And I don't mean help others by writing a check or sending cash to Haiti...they need first hand help.

I think money donations are the cheapest and easiest way out to give back. It's kinda saying "oh, well I'm donating money, I'm helping the community" type of deal- but think about you even know where your money GOES?

I challenge you Internet, find one weekend where you are free and just give back what you have been given yourself. Help tutor kids in elementary school or something, because you may or may not be lucky enough to have a great education; I for one am soo lucky with where I am and or have been education wise. Volunteer to pick up trash on the side of the road or something. Do something- because when you give back you are only helping and benefiting yourself.

Short post, but I leave you with this to ponder Internet: What would you do if you didn't have parents and or guardians who have helped you along the way in need- imagine not having them. What would you do? How would you get help?

Now- put yourself in their shoes, and do something about it.

Let us all start working together to....MAKE A DIFFERENCE!

-Miss Optimistic

Saturday, January 30, 2010

What Happened to "Treat People the way YOU want to be Treated".

Hello Internet:

I want you to pay attention to this- why is it that people get aggravated when someone is just trying to be nice and help you out? Why has our society become SO STUBBORN that a little bit of advice is so disgusting to taste.

Example. Today a lady that was around me asked a question, and I gave her a polite answer.

What I got in response: two eyes being rolled, an aggressive grab at the arms of her purse pulled over her shoulder, with a turned cold back. Where in our culture has it been taught that that is A. polite, B. attractive, and C. respectful. All I was trying to do is help her figure out what she wanted to know, but I guess she was too good to hear what I had to say.

THAT'S another thing....I just recently came into a new community, new people, and new surroundings. Why is it girls naturally just think they are better than others? Who gave them that special crown that invisibly sits on their head that says I need to bow down to them. I bow down to no one but myself, and don't expect anyone else to in return.

Where did this hierarchy get created where people are just "naturally" better than other people. It is more common with girls, which irritates me, but what can I do?

I think people should really start thinking about how they "unintentionally" treat others- because I can guarantee if one of these high maintenance girls that seem to "rule the world" were treated the way they treat people they wouldn't take one minute of it; yet they expect others to.

People can really be horrible sometimes, but deep down, I think they just weren't taught right.

Anyway I leave you with this to ponder Internet: Do you always treat people the way you want to be treated? If not- why? What is different about them that they should be treated any less than you; and or flip that around- what is so special about you that you deserve to be treated better?

-Miss Optimistic.

Friday, January 29, 2010


Hello Internet:

So today I have been inspired to write twice.

I got a text from an old friend saying: "Hey you! Answer me this, why do things always happen in groups? Good or bad, things seem to occur round the same time."

My response: "Haha what do you mean? You mean like why is it when something good is going on; it seems everything is good at the time and vice versa?"

He says: "Yea long them lines. I told ya about this one girl at work, well now there's another girl interested too! Luckily, I only work with one of them... ;-)"

{note- some of these words have been changed due to language that I feel is disrespectful to women.}

So I ask you Internet....and excuse my language, because this type of thing really pisses me off... WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!

Seriously, I am so tired of people who take everything they have for granted- and they wonder why they are not happy! Every one wants and wants and wants more, but they never take a look at what they have!!!

Quotes from The Secret:
Marci Shimoff once said, "Gratitude is absolutely the way to bring more into your life."

James Ray once said, "Gratitude has been such a powerful exercise for me. Every morning I get up and say 'Thank you.' Every morning when my feet hit the floor, 'Thank you.' And then I start running through what I'm grateful for, as I'm brushing my teeth and doing the things I do in the morning. And I'm not just thinking about them and doing some rote routine. I'm putting it out there and I'm feeling the feelings of GRATITUDE."

So I ask you Internet- What are you grateful for?

I am grateful for my Mom. Without her I would not be the strong independent person I am today. Although we have had our arguments and disagreements, she has done nothing but guide me to where I should be. Ultimately, she would do anything for me, and vice versa. She has listened to me cry and bitch and complain about ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, and yet she still sits there and listens. Mom- if you read this, know that I thank you tremendously for everything you have done for me...I love you unconditionally and would be lost with out you. You are my sun on a cloudy day! And know if you ever need anything, since you have done so much for me- know I AM ALWAYS there for you...even if it may seem weird coming to me for things, I am here.

My sisters- They have done nothing but show me what to be, and of course.... (no offense) what not to be. Know that I love you both and as with Mom, would be lost without you. You have taught me more than I could know! What you may see as your flaws; I see as your strengths. You both are strong and beautiful and smart women, and even if I am rude and angry sometimes: know I give tough love and I just want to see both of you happy and successful.

My dad- I am thankful that you have taught me many things about life in the business world and life as a grown up. If anything our relationship has taught me to grow up quicker. Without having a father around emotionally of physically forced me to search with in myself and find that comfort of a father. Whether you read this or not, doesn't matter... you haven't gotten it before, so I don't think this will change your mind. I ask you Dad. What are you grateful for? I know that in some odd way of showing it, you do love us, and always will...but why do you only do things on your terms. Me and my sisters have been trying to get it through your head that all we wanted was a dad around...and that we love you. You are a part of all of us and would do anything for you, and we appreciate all that you do for us...but I ask, why isn't that enough? Sometimes I feel you take us for granted, but one day when one of us isn't there anymore...I think you will be very sad at what you missed out on.

MY DOG! I am so grateful for my dog. He is my everything and my best friend. I love him with every inch of love I can give.

My friends of course who have been there for me through whatever. Don't change- listen to people, and keep loving as you do. Be accepting and continue to grow. I'm glad you have been with me, I would not have made it without you through all of my past struggles.

Lastly, I am thankful for today, for the luxuries I have, my education, my travels, all of the unimportant things that we really don't need in life. I am thankful for every breathe, for every bite of food, for every sip of water.

I am thankful for my life and what I have to offer those that are around me.

So, Internet: now that I have opened up a bit and gone on a more personal level; which was not intended...take a look around at what you have.

Things happen, like I said in a few posts ago, NOTHING is permanent. Live for today, that's why they call it the "present" because every day is a gift.

Much love and Thanks
-Miss Optimistic.

Happy Birthday!!!!!

Hello Internet:

First I want to start this post off with a Happy Birthday wish.!! It is one of my closest friends' birthday, and I must say....HAPPY FUCKING BIRTHDAY!!!! :-) [excuse my language!]

To this friend I dedicate this post, they know who they are....

This friend even though has been in and out of my life and our friendship never seems to be quite consistent I know they are always there and vice versa. I think that's what we all need in life...just knowing someone is there and that comfort of a loving, caring friend. I love you friend- and I hope you have an amazing day!

But continuing on....

Today I had a discussion with a few peers, about this idea of rhetoric, and how persuasive talk and or symbols are "planned." But I ask you Internet, do we really know we are persuading others to do or buy or act a certain way? Do we all really think through everything we say? I know for a long time I just said whatever came to mind- most of the time getting me in trouble.... :-) But then I read this book... The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, (By the way I suggest everyone reads it- it is now my bible and gave me so much insight into what is really going on in life. I will probably quote the book quite a bit throughout the time of this blog.) after reading this book, I do admit I "plan" what I say even if it is with a friend or peer. BUT!! The main thing I think our culture forgets about is this idea of silence!

George A. Kennedy states in his Comparative Rhetoric book "Silence is the initial calmness that listens to what others say and shows respect for them and self-dignity. The value put on silence is not a denial of the power of words; Fox quotes... 'speaking is more powerful than any fight.' "

A week or so ago I made a new friend, our first what is normal to be "awkward silence" was not. He told me, "Wow, I thought that was going to be awkward but you didn't make it awkward at all..." something along those lines. But when you think about it, our culture or society is so hung up on talking and talking about ourselves or others especially GOSSIP-the worst and most disgusting form of communication our world knows-but we never appreciate the silence around us.

A couple days after the first "silence" with my friend...he told me, "I like the fact that you don't feel like you always need to talk." My response: "Talking is like crying wolf; you keep talking, people stop listening."

I hadn't realized how powerful my words were until he rushed to write them down to later try to incorporate them into a song. But it is true. Before every movie at a movie theater, what is the one saying we all know? "Silence is GOLDEN".... But when we think about it, in our world silence isn't golden. People LOVE to talk...but why? You can tell so much more about a person with what they DON'T say, then what they do.

So I leave you with this to ponder Internet: How much do you talk versus listen?

I challenge you to start listening and observing, you will be AMAZED at all you were missing out on. If you listen to what people say it'll give you insight on some things you may have been looking for. Listen and when "The right moment to speak" (Kennedy) occurs, talk. Sleep is the most peaceful time of my day, and it is always silent, our mind is silent, our thoughts are silent, our voices are silent, and that is why sleep is most important to me. Start listening.

-Miss Optimistic

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Everything Happens For a Reason...?

Hello Internet:

As I was walking to where ever I was getting to this morning with my Ipod which is always on shuffle...a song came on that got me thinking...what if we are all meant for one person.
Silly, I know, but honestly the song "Won't Stop" by onerepublic, made me really really consider.

In my whole lifetime I have never felt like I was in love. Never once have I gotten that urge to consider being with that one guy for an extended period of time. For me I feel love should be "easy", but as we all know, one of my favorite sayings being is, "If it's easy, it ain't worth it." I once told a guy that I have never had a long relationship because it never seems to just two puzzle pieces, and what did he say in return?

Boy: "It may be easy in the beginning but love is something you have to work for. Something both people want unconditionally and will do anything to keep it going."

I had never heard something like that, of course "love" isn't as easy as me and my mom, and family's love. I LOVE MY FAMILY no matter what. Even in my biggest fits of rage, I have never said I hated someone and actually meant it...normally I mean I love them.

But anyway, back on par. The lyrics specifically say,
"'Cause I swear it's you, I swear it's you
I swear it's you that I've waited for.
And I swear it's you, I swear it's you
I swear it's you that my heart beats for;
And it ain't gonna stop, no it just won't stop."

Lately I have been spending a lot of time with a certain some one and honestly, I feel something not love, but it is "easy", "fun", and most importantly it makes me happy. No arguments, no drama, no question, it just "is what it is" (This is something you will probably hear me say a lot :-] )

What if we were just made for that one person, what if our other relationships or what have you are our paths on a map that are leading us straight to that one person. Sure people get married divorced ladeeda...but ultimately, we do end up happy right?

Ultimately, our heart continues beating for that one person, that's why we keep living and pressing forward, because we haven't found that one yet.

The way I see life is everything happens for a reason, every heart ache, success, failure, gain, loss, etc. is only leading you closer to your final destination. Of course we make choices that will effect the path we take, but just like when we get lost in a car, we may take different roads but we always get to the final destination.

I guess the next thing to ponder is, why worry where you are going to end up?

Why stress over this or that when stressing does nothing but erode at the insides of our beautiful souls. Live life to the fullest, accept every road block that comes your way; there will always be a detour!

Something to ponder: Why do people always freak out when they aren't in control? Why don't we just sit back and enjoy the beautiful ride of life...

-Miss Optimistic

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Hello Internet:

Last night was odd; couldn't sleep very well. I had a weird dream about death and the portrayal of it as a human being, kind of like that movie "Meet Joe Black" I believe it is called.

But during whatever I was doing this morning, I started thinking...maybe we as people need to become more closer to the idea of "death", like I stated in my last post by James Allen, "...these so called evils may be converted into blessings."

And then, all these thoughts have been splurging into my head, maybe for once I am actually happy and content with my life and the positivity that I have surrounded myself with, that my dream, and me not wanting to be around "death", is telling me to just keep on loving, regardless of what is to come.

Things are always temporary, nothing lasts forever. A book will wear and tear, a cell phone will get old and or break, a baby blanky will get holes in it and age, and a person ages as well; eventually everything comes to an end. My point of this post is:

Take a look around, and be thankful for what you have. Love unconditionally, and always be open to new ideas. On my walk this morning I saw this guy just staring this other kinda "dorky" dressed boy up and down with a weird look on his face. I can guarantee that "dorky" boy is probably one of the sweetest most genuine people you will ever meet, but because he dresses a little differently he is weird.

Open your minds to the things that you are so closed off may be surprised what you will find :-).

-Miss Optimistic.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

My First Post

Hello internet:

This blog is the start of a different way of thought and action for me. I normally do not post feelings or what have you on the internet, but lately I have been becoming more and more spiritual and I feel people are missing out on the real beauties of life.

Who I am, where I come from, and or what I do is completely irrelevant to what I am attempting to do with this blog. Because, whether this is viewed or not, I could really care less, but the idea that my opinions and my thoughts about days or life or whatever is out there means something to me.

My blog will be all motivational sayings, quotes I may find interesting, lyrics I listened to and moved me on that day, or in general my own thoughts. I have been told numerous times how I am wise beyond my years and a new friend now calls me Buddha.

Do not think I am preaching or criticizing anyone for a different way of thinking; I feel everyone has the right to think and act upon however they want. But, I also do think a lot of people today have been losing sight of the real meanings and important things in life.

Now that I have summed up what I am doing with this blog, I leave you with this...

" are the maker of your destiny, and as by the transmuting power of self-discipline you realize this more and more, you will come to see that these so-called evils in life may be converted into blessings." -As A Man Thinketh by James Allen

-Miss Optimistic