Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Hello Internet:

So today I realized how to actually use this ridiculous site. HAHA!! I just realized I have had a few people commenting on my posts, and I had NO IDEA!

Now that I figured out how to use this thing, I will be posting/talking about comments people post. IF any are posted from here on out- also if people e-mail, instead of responding, I will use your situation (anonymous of course) and give you your answer here.


SO! on, February 7, 2010 Will said....

I like that line "Talking is like crying wolf; you keep talking, people stop listening." I'll probably use it too :) My line is "You have 2 ears and 1 mouth because you are to listen twice as much as you are to speak"

What wise words. When you think about it this is so true. We have two ears to hear all around us, and one mouth to talk one way.

But, if we think about it, how many people really feel this way? How many people listen more than they talk? From the people I know- not many. I think I will touch on this a bit more.

Internet- how often do you listen? How often do you talk? Do you talk more than you listen or vice-versa? I challenge you, use your two ears, and use less of your mouth. You will learn more by listening.

I told my boyfriend last night, "I can't teach you if you don't want to learn."
If you are not willing to listen, don't listen. But you will be missing out on amazing words, thoughts, and ideas.

Think about it, or maybe listen more. It's funny I think the reason why I get so frustrated with people, and dislike people so easily is because I actually listen. I listen to the stupid pointless things they say. He said this, she did that, omg?! did you hear about her?! What is the point? Why focus on other people's lives- clearly you have little to no life of your own if that is what you are doing.

Open your mind, ears, and close your mouth Internet.

Learn something today.

-Miss Optimistic

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