Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Don't be one of them...

Hello Internet-

Looking back on life today, I realized I keep running into people that we should be warned to NEVER be like, to NEVER admire, and to NEVER respect.

The coward. One who runs. One who keeps secrets. The one who hides. The coward is someone we are constantly surrounded by. He or she is your everyday person who tricks you into believing they are someone else. And then, when you have the slightest inkling as to who they are, they run. You often have to ask yourself- how could someone be so ignorant and just run. The saying, "he's more of a man than you'll ever be". Eh, your typical coward...you just found out too late who they really were. So, I tell you Internet- be yourself. Do not hide behind mirages or masks...it's okay to be who you are- just own up to it. People will respect you more.

The asshole. OH MY FAVORITE!! :-) You see I tend to attract the asshole better for some reason. Maybe that's because that's all I've ever known. The asshole- is the one that makes you feel like dirt. The one who makes you feel like shit, when he's the shitty one. The asshole puts everyone around them down, because they can't bare to admit how terrible of people they really are. They criticize, manipulate, and scrutinize everyone they are surrounded by...when they are the ones who need the criticism and need to be revealed for who they really are...the asshole.

The sinner. We have all sinned, this is inevitable, but it is those who lurk and hide their sins that are "the sinner". They are the ones that sin almost everyday and hide it behind lies and masks. Why not just own up to what has been done. If I make a mistake with my boyfriend- I am damned sure to own up and apologize for being a stupid bitch. If he's being an ignorant asshole- he always apologizes. The sinner, is the one that is a stupid bitch or an ignorant asshole and yet still denies it. Maybe the sinner could be, the in denial one. Because after all, those who are down in the deepest of holes, are always the ones in denial. EXAMPLE- ADDICTS!!!! Cokeheads, heroin addicts, workaholics, shopoholics, alcoholics, any type of addiction, the first step to getting over it is admitting you have a problem.

And what do all of these WONDERFUL people have in common? They are all hiding. They are all putting on masks and pretending to be something they are not. Looking back on my past, after finding a silly sweatshirt...I have found that most men or women, if they are one of the above, they are all of the above.

DO NOT BE FOOLED, and DO NOT fall into these categories of people..they are not worth spending your time on. Look at yourself- and ask yourself Internet- am I who I want to be? Do I fall into any one of these categories? And if you do...how can you change that, because I know you are better than that.

-Miss Optimistic

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