Thursday, May 20, 2010


Hello Internet-

So as I have stated in many previous posts- we should just let things go as they are and see what comes our way. But often times we find ourselves searching for answers and trying to figure out what we should do.

There comes a time when we keep telling ourselves things and we have the answers to things, but what happens if we don't have the answers? Who can we turn to? And I ask you Internet- what happens when you are the one people turn to? How can we find those answers we so desperately are in need of, if WE are the ones that hold all the answers?

Maybe, those answers we long for so much are what is making us upset. But when you feel you have no one to turn to- we must admit... It hurts. How do you get someone to understand EXACTLY what your feeling, when you don't even know how you are feeling yourself. And in that case, how are we getting the right "answers" if we aren't even explaining the right way.

Confusion and thought are our worst friends. We think and pick things a part until there is nothing left, and then we are left with doubt, unsure feelings, and of course...confusion.

So I tell you Internet- I have searched for enough answers to know that there are no REAL answers. We have to just live...

-Miss Semi-Optimistic

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