Monday, March 8, 2010

What's the point...if you don't try...

Hello Internet:

Quick post today, I just want you all to think about something. Everything that has meant something in your life, were you given or did you have to work for?

For me, I have always worked for everything that means something to me. I love a challenge, and always have. Whether it be with education, boys, anything. And you know what I realized this last week, I have been stressing and freaking out over too much to do and too little time to do it in. Last night I worked for 12 hours straight, understanding, then not understanding, then figuring out these god damn problems that I have NO idea why I am doing them. I just need to know HOW to do them, haha. Ultimately, I kept dreaming I was still doing these problems and studying the material with my friends for this exam today.

Not that that whole tid-bit matters, but I'm saying, the grade I get on this test will feel so good, because for once in my life I spent so much time ACTUALLY working for this grade, because I do want to excel in this class.

Internet I challenge you to stop taking things so easily. If you want that A on the test WORK for it. If you want that boy's arm around you- go get him! Nothing is stopping us but ourselves.

So I ask you again, What's the point if you don't try?

-Miss Optimistic

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