Friday, March 12, 2010

"Follow the Leader"

Hello Internet:

I have learned a very valuable lesson today, just like any other really, but today was different. I am the kind of person to trust too easily. I see a person and I get along with them and the last thing that crosses my mind is that this person would do something to fuck me over.

But, as life goes on and the world gets realer- you have to stop to take notice of how many people just walk their way to the top. A hundred bucks there, three hundred here, oh, I could just pay someone to do it...blah blah blah. The thing about money is, is that people with money (for the most part) are the followers. They watch other people, analyze, observe and make sure they have it down pat. That they do exactly what the people with money do, so they too can have more money and be more successful.

Even though I may come off this sweet innocent "I love everything" kinda girl, the thing I hate most is being taken advantage of. And THE LAST person I thought would take advantage of me some how did. HAHA. All the money his heart desires, all the girls he could persuade to get into his bed, alcohol stocked $500.00 a bottle, his own place, $62,000 car on a school campus, lets get real. We all have our first impressions, but normally I try to see past the uncomfortable I don't know how to act around you's. So that's what I did, he paid for my dinners anything my heart desired was mine pretty much haha, and I met him a week ago.

It's funny though cause when you see this guy with all this money, and everything seems so "perfect" you kinda wanna "follow the leader". It is natural for us all to do, what's he doing so well that I'm not? How does he have this money and my bank account quickly reaches a low balance? Why is he here? What does he do? You start asking these questions, cause you want to know, you want to do that; when life is just so easy and a credit card or a couple hundred bills are folded in our pocket- "life is gooooooood!" :-)

My boyfriend- not the biggest fan of this guy. HAHA! I tried to reassure him: you have to get to know him he's a good guy blah blah blah more bull shit. :-) He told me: "I can't compete with him. I don't have that kinda money".

My response was something along the lines of... "I don't care about the money, this right here, is something that NO MONEY can buy. If you are worried about competing with this guy?! You should be worried about my father, because he knows how to spoil and spend- (IN A RESPONSIBLE WISE WAY)"

The thing we tend to forget is how to lead. Let's think about it...I followed for about a week, I wanted to be involved in this life that seemed so perfect, there were no heart aches, no emotion, it was simple, it was clean, and it was fun.

I just say this Internet: NEVER FOLLOW. And I know how hard it is to just straight up not follow, try not to follow. Because I followed and I trusted him so much, potentially just fucked myself- completely unintentionally.

He's a good guy, but when it comes to it, he just follows all the time! Pays people to do his shit for him, never takes responsibility, and most importantly, blames everyone else for his mistakes. The three most IMmature and ugly qualities I think a person can have.

Luckily, I am honest, I do things myself (how else could one feel accomplished?), and most importantly I own up to my mistakes. As much as I can I lead: I like to show people the life they could be living. To not be so stubborn, open your heart, but not too much.

Just know, you have never lived if you have never hurt.

-Optimistic Voice.

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