Monday, March 15, 2010

Taking it back

Hello Internet:

I came across a quote today:

If you judge people, you have no time to love them.
-Mother Teresa

I want to say that if I still judged people the way me and my friend used to, I would not be friends, nor would I be with the man I am with today. My boyfriend said in the beginning, I always thought those smiles were because you thought I was weird, or you felt sorry for me or something like that.

He thought I was judging, when in reality, I just wanted to talk to him and get to know him cause he seemed cool. Had I seen him 5-7 years ago, I would've never talked to him and never wanted to get to know him. But, I am glad things changed, because I could not be happier. :-)

I was watching America's Next Top Model tonight, and this pretty girl, tattoos, lip piercings (snake bites) and a bull ring I forget what that is called, and she got cut. Yet they said in the judging room she has great face blah blah blah. And she said at the end " I wanted to talk to Tyra for just 5 seconds and ask, 'what did you not like about me?'"

And this kinda coincides with another post I think I did a few weeks ago, but it is true. We see weirdness and don't want to be around it. I just wish our world was less judgmental and more full of love.

There are things in this world that are soo beautiful, but people see are so ugly.

So Internet: I challenge you, to not just find beauty in "beauty" but find beauty in "ugliness" and you will be surprised as to what you find.

-Miss Optimistic

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