Sunday, March 21, 2010

What's in three little words?

Hello Internet:

So, as you know my days inspire my posts..and today is going to be a bit different. Something that is supposed to be so pure and such a beautiful thing I want you all to see it from my view.

The three words: "I love you"

What do they mean? I really care, te amo, any other language...(I only know Spanish, haha) there can be so many meanings to these three little words. The people who I have ever said these words to are my family, my dog, and my closest friends. I have said it to one boy, but the thing is, is I said it to him long before we were together when we were best friends. We loved each other, but I was definitely not in love with him.

A wise man once told me, I love you, but I'm not in love with you, and when he said all made sense. I really loved my ex-boyfriend, but I just wasn't IN love with him. I thought the "butterflies" I felt were good, but it was a safety I loved. I was in love with the fact that I could depend on him, that he would "always" be there. I was in love with the idea of being in love with him, and because of that I couldn't Love him.

My point: Why do we use these words? Can we not express our "love" in action? "I love you" I have noticed is taken so lightly. People throw it around like it is nothing. We all feel emotions. Some feel faster than others just like some mature faster than others.

We get so caught up in our words- that a lot of the times, our actions don't follow. People get so caught up in impressing and trying to draw people in. We are all so obsessed with this idea of "Love" that we forget what it actually is.

Coming from a lady who has never been in love, but has used the words lightly- if you don't feel it- don't say it. Those four letters are stronger than you may know.

Love is a strong emotion- it makes people go insane and sometimes do stupid things. If you are in a relationship, and you say I love you to each other- I am not questioning your motives- but saying Internet, do you really mean it? Do you get those fishies in your stomach that swim like crazy? When they touch you does your heart race? Do you smile when you just think about them? Do you realize that you are just better when you are around the person? Do you feel safe in their arms? Think about all the feelings you feel around them and ask yourself- do you honestly feel your in love?

I had no idea what I was looking for- I had no idea what all these things meant, until today. I realized I love my boyfriend. :-) I am no longer just another girl- I am his, and only his. Love comes with a lot more responsibility then we may understand- and I am ready for that. Because even though he's messy, and I'm organized, and he wants to grow his hair out and I want him to cut it, and he smokes and I want him to stop. Somewhere in between the tickle fights and the boring lectures we never pay attention in I have fallen for an amazing guy, and love every minute of it.

So Internet- My point is...don't be in love with the idea of being in love. Just love, and it'll come to you when you least expect it.

-Miss Optimistic <3

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