Monday, November 28, 2011

Change or find?

Hello Internet-

I came across another quote today that made me think:

"Many people say I've changed, but the truth is I've just found myself."-Anonymous.

Recently, I was talking to one of my old good friends. He basically walked out of my life like my father has, and when he finally came back expected me to be all happy I guess. He seemed to remember the past 6 months or so very differently than I do. He told me something had happened and he needed time to figure things out. And all I wanted to do was be a friend to him and be there for him, so I'd text him almost every day, call him at least once every other week, and send him facebook messages- and in return would receive absolutely nothing. He claims all of these attempts to get in touch with him never even happened. HA! Then he continued to tell me why he didn't understand why I was upset. Maybe cause my best friend disappeared and ignored me like my father has done to me for the last 15 years. Actually! come to think of it- he makes my dad look AWESOME...cause at least my dad answers my emails a couple days later. Anyway- conversation went on about us trying to tell the other how the last 6 months went, and I realized...he was totally different, and not in a way that I liked. But I also realized, I had no say in who he was because we hadn't talked in half a year. Who knows if he had some life changing experience...a lot happens in 6 months.

Then I found this quote. Did he really even change? Maybe he just found the douche bag inside himself that he really is. So what happens to us? Do you think that we actually change- or maybe we just grow into who we were meant to be. I can't decide. Maybe it's both? I don't know. Comment your thoughts....I'm interested to see how others see take this quote/their ideas on it.

As always- much love, -Miss Optimistic

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