Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Know what you want.

Hello Internet-

Long time no see, yea yea yea. I know. Cannot believe a whole semester has passed since I last posted anything here. Not okay. But, being over in another country has opened my eyes, and I have learned quite a lot.

The first thing I have learned here is that I know what I want in my life and what is worth having in my life. All that other stuff is just stuff to pass the time, and I don't really need that. If you know what you want to surround yourself with, life will surround you with what you want.

It's funny because while being here, six hours ahead of all of my friends, it has really hit me who cares and who doesn't. There are people who I really didn't think I was that close with, yet they get in touch with me at least once a week. And now, I'm excited to go home to see these friends that are way closer than I think.

The only negative thing with knowing what you want to surround you, is you get a little bit more picky. I have become more easily fed up with peoples' bull shit and immatureness. I don't need to put myself around stress and anxiety when I don't want it in my life.

Separating yourself from your life isn't a bad thing. Sure you miss what is comfortable, but it also makes you appreciate the great things you have, and also shows you what you really don't care about or don't need.

Second thing I have learned/thought of here...

This quote I thought of while on a trip was:
"I don't have wishes I have goals, and I don't have regrets I have experiences." - Optimistic Voice

Use this quote if you like, just please quote didn't think of it I did. :)
It's kinda something I've been preaching in a more realistic way I guess. Wishes are great and all, but wishing for something doesn't make it come to you. Having a goal to get it is what makes it come to you. STOP WISHING START DOING!! Also, don't wallow in what has happened- that's just regretting. Take those negative or positive things that have happened and see them as experiences. It's a more positive way to look at life, and makes you happier at the same time.

-Miss Optimistic

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