Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Hello Internet-

Over the last couple years that I have had this blog, I have collected quotes among quotes that I have found online all for you guys. Now, after reviewing a lot of them...I'm going to share a bunch with you with each new post.

"Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections." -Unknown

We all want to be happy- this is a given, but sometimes situations are just what they are. If we constantly are nit-picking and trying to make something it is are we ever supposed to be happy? I have two examples for you. One with my boyfriend and one with a friend.

Last year, my boyfriend and I went through a really rough semester we will say. We a. stopped talking to each other (the most important part of a relationship) and b. I kept trying to change who he was. Looking back on it, I don't even know what I was trying to change him into, but I was trying. Maybe because he was going through a lot and not telling me about it I was trying to make him into something I wanted. I don't know. Regardless. It was a constant battle- stop smoking, you should cut your hair, shave, etc. All commands, when what he was doing was REALLY none of my business...unless it affected me personally...which none of the examples did. Both of us did a lot of wrong in the 5 months of that rough patch, I was a bitch because he was a controlling asshole, and he was a controlling asshole cause I was a bitch. A huge cycle of nonsense. BUT, the most important thing I learned from it was that trying to change someone is only hurting yourself. Be happy with the situation that you have, and if you are trying to change it- then what the hell are you doing in that situation in the first place? We ended up splitting up for 3 months, and then got back together this October, and I COULD NOT be any happier. I think I took this quotes advice. We all have imperfections, and whatever I was 'trying' to change last year, I now look past and love all of him not just parts of him.

Perfection is something that society created and none of us will ever be able to fulfill.

I had a best friend for 15 years. She always chose other situations such as getting drunk, doing drugs, or hanging out with the "popular" crowd over me, and I never quite understood it. I tried so hard to hold onto the friendship and get her to understand that I was more important. In reality, the whole situation was fucked. We both couldn't look past the imperfections of ourselves and life...and ended up losing a really great friendship. Sometimes, especially when we are looking for happiness, we look at all the things we can change in our life...but why do we never look at the things that we have? Why is it so hard to see a situation and appreciate the little things that we DO have, instead of constantly fault-finding in the things that surround us.

My challenge to you: look beyond these imperfections that are around you, and just be content and happy with what you have.

Comment any thoughts/suggestions.

As always, much love!
-Miss Optimistic

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