Sunday, November 27, 2011

"Dark Passenger"

Hello Internet-

Lately, I have joined in with this obsession with the show Dexter. The first time I tried watching it was totally turned off, but this last time...I couldn't stop. Completely caught up to season 5 in about two or three weeks- sad I know. But I have learned a lot from the show. Interesting how a forensics/murder show can teach you something.

For those of you who don't watch it- Dexter is the main character and he is a serial killer who kills people who have hurt others. He is also a forensic scientist, so he gets the inside to all this information etc. But he talks about his killer being his "dark passenger". And thinking about it- we all do have a dark just depends on how we use it or if we use it at all.

I stumbled upon a quote- literally I used (great procrastinating website haha!)but the quote says: "Monsters exist. They live inside ordinary people. And sometimes, they win." -Anonymous

We all have this darkness inside of us, some are worse than others, but regardless. Instead of trying to hide it, we should at least know it's there, see the other side to us and embrace it. Sometimes it'll do better than you think it will.

Honestly- I know I have a monster, or "Dark passenger", that lives inside me, but I couldn't tell you what her role in my life is. I haven't met her one on one yet. The other great thing about seeing these evils that are among us, is you know who you really love. If you can handle someones darkness, you are doing more for that person than you know, and vice versa.

Maybe it is time that we start seeing these dark passengers and not hiding them.

-Miss Optimistic

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