Monday, August 30, 2010

I Hate How They Flake!!!

Hello Internet-

So inspired by a dear friend- I think our society needs to be more aware of their words and actions. If you say you are going to do something- do it. Don't play nice either- if you don't like me, TELL ME! If you do like me, great...cause I'm a really good person :-)

I guess I don't mean to be so blunt about all of this. A few posts ago, I talked about this hazy feeling blah blah blah a lot of not optimistic views, but today I am going to turn that around. Because!!! A friend of mine kinda feels the same way. He doesn't really know what's going on, but knows something isn't right. The best way he could get it all out to me is, "I want somebody that's really there for me...somebody I shouldn't have to tell everyday- text me back, shit like that! I'm done being polite and courteous to people!"

How can I respond to that? How do I tell someone that it's okay, just find a real person? That's all I could do. And to me that hurts. It's hard when people feel this way, because honestly- we feel that since we are surrounded by fake people- that is all that is out there. But then, 5 minutes later he's saying how he wishes he could hang with me more and stuff because I'm the realest person he's ever met. SO! My point is, if I'm real, there are other real people out there.

Flakes are SO EASY TO FIND NOW A DAY!!!! On college campus' especially. It's like people are soooo into themselves, they don't have time to stop thinking about themselves for 2 minutes!!! And how did this happen? Who is to blame? The Internet, Media, our parents, ourselves?! How can we pinpoint who's fault this is Internet- when such a large portion of society seems to be flakey altogether!?

As sad as this is- my advice when you come across these kinds of people- either a. FUCK 'EM, or b. Just put up with them and don't expect anything from them. They have their mind set, and they are who they takes a lot to change someone. If they don't realize it and you bring it to their attention that is one thing, but someone who has been told and still is just so conceited is in their own little world.

But my point Internet-

Sometimes we have to deal with self-centered people, but the less you are self-centered, the more non-conceited people you will find you are surrounded by :-).

-Miss Optimistic

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