Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A Comfy Shoulder

Hello Internet-

I know I know, again it has been a while, and for that I apologize. Life has been throwing me obstacles right and left to try and hurdle some how...I guess that just means more lessons for you to enjoy! :-)

The last few days have been hard. I've been feeling very lonely, very tired, and constantly thinking. A scare, for right now, has opened my eyes to how important people are in your life. I know I say this often- but we so easily take people for granted who are the most important and most influential in our lives. So take a step back, and Internet I challenge you to think: What if that person died tomorrow? What would you have done differently? What would you have told them in their last few hours? What would you have done with them, etc? And after you think about them- FUCKING DO THEM!!!! Don't just think...because in case it has not been proven to you yet- ACTIONS ARE LOUDER THAN WORDS!!!! Step up and show that person how important they are to you.

Today- a good friend and I had some free time and just sat and talked for a few hours. I vented with all the stuff my mind keeps going to, and he listened, commented, and sympathized...and for once, I enjoyed the sympathy I was receiving. I didn't feel alone anymore, and I felt like someone was actually listening to me. Sure, people listen all the time to me ramble on, and you guys who read this may or may not listen to my posts...but regardless, I still write. I don't quite know what it is about just going to someone different for once, but it's always nice to just have that comfy shoulder to lean on...especially when life seems to be pulling you down with it.

I know things will be getting better soon, but my mentality is live in the moment- and right now, I just don't feel optimistic or happy. I feel tired and frustrated. I feel confused. I feel upset and angry. I feel all these emotions and I don't quite know how to put them all together into one sentence to get people to understand how I feel right now. That's the one thing that just sometimes frustrates me with some of my close friends- it just seems like they don't get it...they may not understand the struggles or hardships that come along. Everyone's life is different...but it's hard to deal with people who seem to deal with nothing.

So I say thank you to that friend...for listening and giving me advice. I want you to know that your time today was greatly appreciated...and you made my day just that much better.

Before I sign off for the night Internet- I want you to's okay to branch out to people. Find that Comfy Shoulder...because to tell you the truth- without them...who knows where our world would be. AND! Don't hesitate to ever offer yours...who knows what yours could prevent.

-Miss Optimistic

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