Thursday, August 12, 2010


Hello Internet-

So as I am attempting to repack all my belongings for yet another year of school...I find myself procrastinating- as always :-).

Last night I was going through some images and came across this quote:

"When I was 5 years old, my mom always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down 'Happy.' They told me I didn't understand the assignment and I told them they didn't understand life."- Anonymous

And, as much as I love school, when you think about it- they put a lot of bull shit into your mind. How could you tell a child that being happy was misunderstanding an assignment. They do say- laughter is the best medicine, so how could being happy be wrong in what they want to be?

School's have become so black and white that things have to be right or they are wrong. Why can't there be different versions of things? Why can't we just be open to what we want to be open to? Why do we need to specify what we are or where we are going or who we want to be? Why does society make it "normal" for us to have everything so clean cut and put out for everyone airing our laundry out in the back yard.

Life is not that way at when is our society going to realize this? Maybe never. School is great for us to learn and to expand our minds- but when has it been the school's job to tell us what is right or wrong with our future?

It's funny I've been trying to get in touch with my school for the last week, because I need to get into this class, and no one is around. I keep getting voicemails and empty how can school's sit there and say they put their students first, when they can't even answer a phone? How can school's say they put their students first when they are trying to mold their minds into believing something that may not even be 100% true.

My point Internet- is be open to everything. If you hear it, it very well may not be true. Listen to everything, but believe what, in your heart, feels right.

-Miss Optimistic

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