Friday, August 27, 2010

My Mind Is Blank...?

Hello Internet-

I am very sleep deprived right now, and honestly my mind is just blank. I don't really have thoughts, I don't really feel, I just kinda feel like I'm in a foggy haze right now. I don't know if it's from not sleeping or just what it is.

I found a quote online though- "Stop existing and start living." - Anonymous

I stopped when I read it- because since my mind is so blank, I couldn't even figure out what it meant. I stared at it for a while; questioning things, wondering things, and then it just kinda came to me. How many of us are really living and how many of us are just walking through life and crossing days off the calendar?

The last week I feel I have just been walking through and crossing days off the calendar. I haven't felt anything really significant in a while, except when I lay down and close my eyes. How can we go from being completely up beat and happy to numb and hazy?

We have all experienced days/times like these Internet, and honestly I have no advice other than there is a light at the end of the tunnel. The one thing that just really bothers me when I feel like this is when people constantly keep asking if I'm okay, if somethings wrong. Because I don't think anything is wrong...I just don't feel 100% myself, and how do you tell someone that?

I think I need sleep. I think that's it, but how can I use that as an excuse? I have been living my life though. As fully as I can...and I guess that's all I can do for right now.

-Miss Semi-Optimistic?

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