Friday, August 6, 2010

The Freak Out!

Hello Internet-

So, again it has been quite a while since my last post, but I have been traveling and just have been lazy and not had any other thoughts to cross my mind to write about. Until- today. Relationships are always hard at times and even worse at others- but you can learn the most from the downs of a relationship.

Last night, I had my "freak out". I can't figure out my school's class thing, and it has been stressing me out. Not only did it stress me, but because I was stressed- it stressed my boyfriend as well. He claims he was trying to help make me feel better the whole time, but really- what do we want when we have these "freak outs"? We want it to be better, right? We just don't want to feel the anxiety and the uncertainties rushing through our minds.

Then, this morning, I had to deal with my mom about the whole issue, and it's hard being told things from her that I've been writing about here. Yes, I know she has learned a lot in her life time...but it's always hard being a kid and still just not quite wanting to hear what your parents have to say.

The point of this post- I'm not really sure as of now. I just know that we all have these moments in life where we get stressed and aren't really sure what to do. And my advice, it'll all work out how it's supposed to. It may suck living through it, but that's we know it.

Have faith that this world is taking you where you are supposed to go, and it'll all work out.

-Miss Optimistic

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