Sunday, May 29, 2011

Look at Yourself.

Hello Internet-

Today I stumbled upon quite an interesting video. Look at yourself after watching this... I can guarantee, you will think very differently. You know, even though I preach to just let go, to be happy, to love as much as you can, etc., a lot of times it is hard to let go of emotions and situations that we care about, I struggle everyday with it. I pray this video stays in my mind. We can be whatever we want to be, do whatever we want, and get wherever we want to...all we have to do is believe.

So, my challenge to you internet- is set up some goals today. What do you believe? And where do you want to be in 5, maybe 10 years? Then, ask yourself, what is stopping you?

Nothing stopped this man, so why let life stop you?

-Miss Optimistic

1 comment:

  1. Wow, how powerful. It's what I've always tried to say to my 3 beautiful daughters and he says it the best. I'm going to use this link a lot.
