Saturday, May 14, 2011

A little time for youreslf.

Hello Internet-

The last couple days have quite possibly been a few of the best. Not because the school year is coming to a close, and I am stuck up at school pretty much by myself, but because I have had lots of time to think, to have a little time for myself. What I have learned over the last few days may or may not help you, but the most important thing, is that you and your happiness always come first.

Obsession: something we throw ourselves into without even really knowing it. I'll be the first to admit, and those that know me will agree, I have a little bit of OCD. I like knowing how things will turn out, I like things in certain places, and am very observant. But when OCD and a relationship merge, that's when issues arise. I think often times, we are all so used to this fairytale ending, that when we aren't getting this perfect relationship we freak out. Then try to control the whole situation, analyze, argue, correct, fix, or any other verb you'd like to ad in there, to get the relationship to where you want it to be. We obsess, scrutinize, and nit pick at little things that really don't even matter. My relationship I have talked about in previous posts is on hold for now, becuase we both became so obsessed with it. Not because we were both OCD, but I'm not even really sure how we did. We spent all our time together, texted all the time, and then when we were together it was just the every day routine that we had fallen into.

My first realization of having time to myself is, let go. Stop obsessing over things that may not be going the way you want them to, because no matter how hard you try to change them your life is going to work out how it wants to.

"I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be." - Douglas Adams

If we all just realize that we will always end up where we need to be, obsession will subside, and happiness and that carefree feeling will take over.

Stress: We all do it whether we realize it or not. There is always something in our lives that eats away at us and gets under our skin, but why? Why do we care so much about these little things that dig into us. And what's funny, is half the time we stress about things we have no control over! So why waste your time? Whenever I get stressed now, I lay in bed, or sit in a chair...and just focus on my breathe for at least 5 minutes. Sit and nothing. I think we need that nothingness in our crazy hectic lives, because all we know is chaos, so when we don't have it, we create it.

Love: We cannot love others unless we love ourselves- it just doesn't work that way. The other thing I have learned, is why limit ourselves? Love everything, not just some things. Because ultimately, we are all equal, and ultimately, everyone and everything needs a little lovin'. It's almost as if we have learned to only give love to those who are closest to us, but why? What is stopping us from giving love to everyone who comes through our lives? After all, all we want to be is loved by everyone, so why not love everyone?

Love, relax, and let go are the three main things I have learned in taking time to myself. Everyone needs their space- if you are in a relationship that is built around each other, it may be hard, but take some time for yourselves! You need it. You are your own entity, and the significant other is supposed to respect and support you.

-Miss Optimistic

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