Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A New Me

Hello Internet-

So lately, I have been stumbling on a lot of blogs that talks about the negatives of shampoo and hair products. Basically...what these blogs are saying is we have been raised to use these products that actually are just harming out locks instead of benefiting them like they advertise. Have dandruff anyone? Apparently the reason why you are probably experiencing those lovely white flakes on your shoulder is due to the chemicals that are "hidden" in your shampoo. Dried out and split ends? Well that's going to happen regardless from wear and tear, but basically the chemicals in our shampoos and conditioners are what is causing the wear and tear to happen faster.

So- I read somewhere that baking soda is the perfect solution, it helps absorb the oil and wash it out. Basically my point: I am going all natural. I will still wash my body, with natural soaps...I would just smell if I didn't, but I love my hair. I stopped dying it about a year ago, because dying your hair stunts the growth and over all is terrible for hair. Now, I am going to stop washing it with these wonderfully smelling shampoos/conditioners.

It's funny...becuase I've told a couple people about my project, and they all get disgusted. My mom was basically like what...I'm sure there are organic shampoos out there that will do just a good of a job. But that's the thing...I don't WANT any shampoos or conditioners. The reason our hair gets so oily so quickly is because we wash it every day, the chemicals dry it out and then our heads produce oil to moisture our hair, and then it just looks gross. So we are in this process of grossness, that really isn't helping anyone- not even the earth.

Eventually, my hair will stop producing as much oil, and I won't even have to rinse it very often. I plan on starting to wash it with baking soda once a week, and then move to 2 times a week, with a rinse once a week, and then continue to spread it out. Eventually I won't need the baking soda at all hopefully. Call me gross, but these blogs actually say it makes your hair look healthier and have more volume...so I'm going to give it a try :)

I'm also going to stop using my make up, again. If there is a special occasion, of course, but the everyday wear and tear on my skin isn't healthy. My one friend asked if I was becoming a hippie and I laughed. It's not that I'm becoming a hippie, I'm just going to what feels natural or good to me. I need a new start, a healed soul that will get me where I need to be. And, if me changing my habits helps me get there, so be it :)

We all deserve to be beautiful, and we should be even if it seems gross and unnatural. My experiment is probably more natural/healthy than what you are thought is "normal".

-Miss Optimistic

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