Monday, August 30, 2010

I Hate How They Flake!!!

Hello Internet-

So inspired by a dear friend- I think our society needs to be more aware of their words and actions. If you say you are going to do something- do it. Don't play nice either- if you don't like me, TELL ME! If you do like me, great...cause I'm a really good person :-)

I guess I don't mean to be so blunt about all of this. A few posts ago, I talked about this hazy feeling blah blah blah a lot of not optimistic views, but today I am going to turn that around. Because!!! A friend of mine kinda feels the same way. He doesn't really know what's going on, but knows something isn't right. The best way he could get it all out to me is, "I want somebody that's really there for me...somebody I shouldn't have to tell everyday- text me back, shit like that! I'm done being polite and courteous to people!"

How can I respond to that? How do I tell someone that it's okay, just find a real person? That's all I could do. And to me that hurts. It's hard when people feel this way, because honestly- we feel that since we are surrounded by fake people- that is all that is out there. But then, 5 minutes later he's saying how he wishes he could hang with me more and stuff because I'm the realest person he's ever met. SO! My point is, if I'm real, there are other real people out there.

Flakes are SO EASY TO FIND NOW A DAY!!!! On college campus' especially. It's like people are soooo into themselves, they don't have time to stop thinking about themselves for 2 minutes!!! And how did this happen? Who is to blame? The Internet, Media, our parents, ourselves?! How can we pinpoint who's fault this is Internet- when such a large portion of society seems to be flakey altogether!?

As sad as this is- my advice when you come across these kinds of people- either a. FUCK 'EM, or b. Just put up with them and don't expect anything from them. They have their mind set, and they are who they takes a lot to change someone. If they don't realize it and you bring it to their attention that is one thing, but someone who has been told and still is just so conceited is in their own little world.

But my point Internet-

Sometimes we have to deal with self-centered people, but the less you are self-centered, the more non-conceited people you will find you are surrounded by :-).

-Miss Optimistic

Let The Fear be Gone.

Hello Internet:

So, I got an e-mail today from the Secret scrolls...this is what it said.

"There is a difference between feeling gratitude and appreciation for something, and feeling attachment to something. Appreciation and gratitude are states of pure love, while attachment contains fear - fear of losing or not having what you are attached to. When it comes to something you want in your life, appreciation and gratitude attracts, and attachment pushes away. If you are feeling afraid that you will not get what you want, or losing what you have, then you have attachment.
To remove the attachment, keep shifting yourself into a state of appreciation and gratitude, until you can feel that the fear has gone."

-Rhonda Byrne

It's funny that I got this when I did. Life just works that way, to give us little reminders :-).

Attachment is a difficult topic for a lot of people, as is fear. We are all afraid of things. Once we get into comfortable situations, we fear what we'd be like outside of those situations. When we've been with someone for so long, how do we let it go? How do we know we will truly be okay without them? If we've been in a job for so long, how do we leave it? I guess the thing is, is we are always afraid of change.

We are afraid of losing something we don't know if we want to get rid of. We are so caught up in the comfort of everything going on in our lives, that when we decide to get rid of it- there is always that "what if" side of us that takes cover up our fear. Why is it so hard for us to let go?

We want what we have, and then once we try to let it go, we tighten our grip. We want that blanket when it's cold. We want to feel safe, and the things that make us feel safe, may necessarily not be making us happy. So don't think about the safety blanket- think about if you're happy or not- and if you are...keep it around. But be GRATEFUL AND APPRECIATIVE of it while it is around. If you aren't happy Internet- let the fear be gone, and let it go.

Something better is coming along for me :-)

-Miss Optimistic

Friday, August 27, 2010

My Mind Is Blank...?

Hello Internet-

I am very sleep deprived right now, and honestly my mind is just blank. I don't really have thoughts, I don't really feel, I just kinda feel like I'm in a foggy haze right now. I don't know if it's from not sleeping or just what it is.

I found a quote online though- "Stop existing and start living." - Anonymous

I stopped when I read it- because since my mind is so blank, I couldn't even figure out what it meant. I stared at it for a while; questioning things, wondering things, and then it just kinda came to me. How many of us are really living and how many of us are just walking through life and crossing days off the calendar?

The last week I feel I have just been walking through and crossing days off the calendar. I haven't felt anything really significant in a while, except when I lay down and close my eyes. How can we go from being completely up beat and happy to numb and hazy?

We have all experienced days/times like these Internet, and honestly I have no advice other than there is a light at the end of the tunnel. The one thing that just really bothers me when I feel like this is when people constantly keep asking if I'm okay, if somethings wrong. Because I don't think anything is wrong...I just don't feel 100% myself, and how do you tell someone that?

I think I need sleep. I think that's it, but how can I use that as an excuse? I have been living my life though. As fully as I can...and I guess that's all I can do for right now.

-Miss Semi-Optimistic?

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A Comfy Shoulder

Hello Internet-

I know I know, again it has been a while, and for that I apologize. Life has been throwing me obstacles right and left to try and hurdle some how...I guess that just means more lessons for you to enjoy! :-)

The last few days have been hard. I've been feeling very lonely, very tired, and constantly thinking. A scare, for right now, has opened my eyes to how important people are in your life. I know I say this often- but we so easily take people for granted who are the most important and most influential in our lives. So take a step back, and Internet I challenge you to think: What if that person died tomorrow? What would you have done differently? What would you have told them in their last few hours? What would you have done with them, etc? And after you think about them- FUCKING DO THEM!!!! Don't just think...because in case it has not been proven to you yet- ACTIONS ARE LOUDER THAN WORDS!!!! Step up and show that person how important they are to you.

Today- a good friend and I had some free time and just sat and talked for a few hours. I vented with all the stuff my mind keeps going to, and he listened, commented, and sympathized...and for once, I enjoyed the sympathy I was receiving. I didn't feel alone anymore, and I felt like someone was actually listening to me. Sure, people listen all the time to me ramble on, and you guys who read this may or may not listen to my posts...but regardless, I still write. I don't quite know what it is about just going to someone different for once, but it's always nice to just have that comfy shoulder to lean on...especially when life seems to be pulling you down with it.

I know things will be getting better soon, but my mentality is live in the moment- and right now, I just don't feel optimistic or happy. I feel tired and frustrated. I feel confused. I feel upset and angry. I feel all these emotions and I don't quite know how to put them all together into one sentence to get people to understand how I feel right now. That's the one thing that just sometimes frustrates me with some of my close friends- it just seems like they don't get it...they may not understand the struggles or hardships that come along. Everyone's life is different...but it's hard to deal with people who seem to deal with nothing.

So I say thank you to that friend...for listening and giving me advice. I want you to know that your time today was greatly appreciated...and you made my day just that much better.

Before I sign off for the night Internet- I want you to's okay to branch out to people. Find that Comfy Shoulder...because to tell you the truth- without them...who knows where our world would be. AND! Don't hesitate to ever offer yours...who knows what yours could prevent.

-Miss Optimistic

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Hello Internet-

So as I am attempting to repack all my belongings for yet another year of school...I find myself procrastinating- as always :-).

Last night I was going through some images and came across this quote:

"When I was 5 years old, my mom always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down 'Happy.' They told me I didn't understand the assignment and I told them they didn't understand life."- Anonymous

And, as much as I love school, when you think about it- they put a lot of bull shit into your mind. How could you tell a child that being happy was misunderstanding an assignment. They do say- laughter is the best medicine, so how could being happy be wrong in what they want to be?

School's have become so black and white that things have to be right or they are wrong. Why can't there be different versions of things? Why can't we just be open to what we want to be open to? Why do we need to specify what we are or where we are going or who we want to be? Why does society make it "normal" for us to have everything so clean cut and put out for everyone airing our laundry out in the back yard.

Life is not that way at when is our society going to realize this? Maybe never. School is great for us to learn and to expand our minds- but when has it been the school's job to tell us what is right or wrong with our future?

It's funny I've been trying to get in touch with my school for the last week, because I need to get into this class, and no one is around. I keep getting voicemails and empty how can school's sit there and say they put their students first, when they can't even answer a phone? How can school's say they put their students first when they are trying to mold their minds into believing something that may not even be 100% true.

My point Internet- is be open to everything. If you hear it, it very well may not be true. Listen to everything, but believe what, in your heart, feels right.

-Miss Optimistic

Friday, August 6, 2010

Little White Lies

Hello Internet-

Double take today, but I have something on my mind. We have all done it, and we all are guilty of probably doing it to cover up the original one- we lie. Sometimes we lie about stupid things, but other times we lie to not hurt the other person involved. Sometimes we lie about big things, but other times we lie to just not look so bad. We do it all the time...some of us. Unfortunately, what happens if we get caught in a lie- we lie some more right?

So, here you are a few months, years, how ever long later, living lie on top of lie on top of lie. How do you keep them all straight?? You can't. A lie is something that is so wrong you can't take it back. Once it's out of your mouth, how do you have the heart to tell someone you lied?? It's next to impossible. So we live off these lies that in our heads become reality.

MY point why lie? What is so hard about being honest? We all know the truth fucking hurts- because we live it every why is it so easy to just create a lie in our heads?

Advice- just DON'T DO IT!!! Lying says a lot about who you are as a person- and all it's really saying is: coward, fake, and asshole. ALL where is the good in that?

Stay positive, and if you tell the truth you will be rewarded, lie and karma will come to pay you a visit :-).

-Miss Optimistic

The Freak Out!

Hello Internet-

So, again it has been quite a while since my last post, but I have been traveling and just have been lazy and not had any other thoughts to cross my mind to write about. Until- today. Relationships are always hard at times and even worse at others- but you can learn the most from the downs of a relationship.

Last night, I had my "freak out". I can't figure out my school's class thing, and it has been stressing me out. Not only did it stress me, but because I was stressed- it stressed my boyfriend as well. He claims he was trying to help make me feel better the whole time, but really- what do we want when we have these "freak outs"? We want it to be better, right? We just don't want to feel the anxiety and the uncertainties rushing through our minds.

Then, this morning, I had to deal with my mom about the whole issue, and it's hard being told things from her that I've been writing about here. Yes, I know she has learned a lot in her life time...but it's always hard being a kid and still just not quite wanting to hear what your parents have to say.

The point of this post- I'm not really sure as of now. I just know that we all have these moments in life where we get stressed and aren't really sure what to do. And my advice, it'll all work out how it's supposed to. It may suck living through it, but that's we know it.

Have faith that this world is taking you where you are supposed to go, and it'll all work out.

-Miss Optimistic