Sunday, May 29, 2011

Look at Yourself.

Hello Internet-

Today I stumbled upon quite an interesting video. Look at yourself after watching this... I can guarantee, you will think very differently. You know, even though I preach to just let go, to be happy, to love as much as you can, etc., a lot of times it is hard to let go of emotions and situations that we care about, I struggle everyday with it. I pray this video stays in my mind. We can be whatever we want to be, do whatever we want, and get wherever we want to...all we have to do is believe.

So, my challenge to you internet- is set up some goals today. What do you believe? And where do you want to be in 5, maybe 10 years? Then, ask yourself, what is stopping you?

Nothing stopped this man, so why let life stop you?

-Miss Optimistic

Friday, May 20, 2011


Hello Internet-

So as we know after a change in our lives, the best thing to do is go through and clean out the clutter in our lives. Since my parents are currently going through a divorce, as this seems to be the trend lately, my mom has decided to go through EVERYTHING and get rid of what she doesn't want around the house anymore. She also decided to repaint almost every room in the house- well that's my summer job actually. The first room I have to mine. So, before Monday when I actually start working, I have to go through everything in all of my room get rid of what I don't want, keep what I do, and then put it all somewhere.

Although I must say this could not have been better timing. After getting some space of myself, I don't know what I would be doing other than sitting in my room all day thinking. It's funny, because as I go through all my clothes, books, jewelry, all of my belongings, and split them into keep or don't keep piles, I start thinking about what's really important. We tend to hoard and hold onto things that are markers in our lives, but the tighter and longer we hold on to them, the less we even remember about it. I've decided I'm going to let the memories speak for themselves, and the ones that matter will carry with me forever, and the ones that don't weren't meant to last.

Especially with the world apparently ending soon, why clutter a life that is meant to be so simple?

Think about it..

-Miss Optimistic

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A New Me

Hello Internet-

So lately, I have been stumbling on a lot of blogs that talks about the negatives of shampoo and hair products. Basically...what these blogs are saying is we have been raised to use these products that actually are just harming out locks instead of benefiting them like they advertise. Have dandruff anyone? Apparently the reason why you are probably experiencing those lovely white flakes on your shoulder is due to the chemicals that are "hidden" in your shampoo. Dried out and split ends? Well that's going to happen regardless from wear and tear, but basically the chemicals in our shampoos and conditioners are what is causing the wear and tear to happen faster.

So- I read somewhere that baking soda is the perfect solution, it helps absorb the oil and wash it out. Basically my point: I am going all natural. I will still wash my body, with natural soaps...I would just smell if I didn't, but I love my hair. I stopped dying it about a year ago, because dying your hair stunts the growth and over all is terrible for hair. Now, I am going to stop washing it with these wonderfully smelling shampoos/conditioners.

It's funny...becuase I've told a couple people about my project, and they all get disgusted. My mom was basically like what...I'm sure there are organic shampoos out there that will do just a good of a job. But that's the thing...I don't WANT any shampoos or conditioners. The reason our hair gets so oily so quickly is because we wash it every day, the chemicals dry it out and then our heads produce oil to moisture our hair, and then it just looks gross. So we are in this process of grossness, that really isn't helping anyone- not even the earth.

Eventually, my hair will stop producing as much oil, and I won't even have to rinse it very often. I plan on starting to wash it with baking soda once a week, and then move to 2 times a week, with a rinse once a week, and then continue to spread it out. Eventually I won't need the baking soda at all hopefully. Call me gross, but these blogs actually say it makes your hair look healthier and have more I'm going to give it a try :)

I'm also going to stop using my make up, again. If there is a special occasion, of course, but the everyday wear and tear on my skin isn't healthy. My one friend asked if I was becoming a hippie and I laughed. It's not that I'm becoming a hippie, I'm just going to what feels natural or good to me. I need a new start, a healed soul that will get me where I need to be. And, if me changing my habits helps me get there, so be it :)

We all deserve to be beautiful, and we should be even if it seems gross and unnatural. My experiment is probably more natural/healthy than what you are thought is "normal".

-Miss Optimistic

Saturday, May 14, 2011

A little time for youreslf.

Hello Internet-

The last couple days have quite possibly been a few of the best. Not because the school year is coming to a close, and I am stuck up at school pretty much by myself, but because I have had lots of time to think, to have a little time for myself. What I have learned over the last few days may or may not help you, but the most important thing, is that you and your happiness always come first.

Obsession: something we throw ourselves into without even really knowing it. I'll be the first to admit, and those that know me will agree, I have a little bit of OCD. I like knowing how things will turn out, I like things in certain places, and am very observant. But when OCD and a relationship merge, that's when issues arise. I think often times, we are all so used to this fairytale ending, that when we aren't getting this perfect relationship we freak out. Then try to control the whole situation, analyze, argue, correct, fix, or any other verb you'd like to ad in there, to get the relationship to where you want it to be. We obsess, scrutinize, and nit pick at little things that really don't even matter. My relationship I have talked about in previous posts is on hold for now, becuase we both became so obsessed with it. Not because we were both OCD, but I'm not even really sure how we did. We spent all our time together, texted all the time, and then when we were together it was just the every day routine that we had fallen into.

My first realization of having time to myself is, let go. Stop obsessing over things that may not be going the way you want them to, because no matter how hard you try to change them your life is going to work out how it wants to.

"I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be." - Douglas Adams

If we all just realize that we will always end up where we need to be, obsession will subside, and happiness and that carefree feeling will take over.

Stress: We all do it whether we realize it or not. There is always something in our lives that eats away at us and gets under our skin, but why? Why do we care so much about these little things that dig into us. And what's funny, is half the time we stress about things we have no control over! So why waste your time? Whenever I get stressed now, I lay in bed, or sit in a chair...and just focus on my breathe for at least 5 minutes. Sit and nothing. I think we need that nothingness in our crazy hectic lives, because all we know is chaos, so when we don't have it, we create it.

Love: We cannot love others unless we love ourselves- it just doesn't work that way. The other thing I have learned, is why limit ourselves? Love everything, not just some things. Because ultimately, we are all equal, and ultimately, everyone and everything needs a little lovin'. It's almost as if we have learned to only give love to those who are closest to us, but why? What is stopping us from giving love to everyone who comes through our lives? After all, all we want to be is loved by everyone, so why not love everyone?

Love, relax, and let go are the three main things I have learned in taking time to myself. Everyone needs their space- if you are in a relationship that is built around each other, it may be hard, but take some time for yourselves! You need it. You are your own entity, and the significant other is supposed to respect and support you.

-Miss Optimistic

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Life Happens All Too Quickly.

Hello Internet-

It's been a long time, I know. But life got a little hectic and quite frankly school and other obligations took over. My first post back, I want to share a piece I had to write for a class. I hope you enjoy.

Life happens all too quickly. We try to change, exchange, or rearrange our lives. We try so hard to understand, be a woman or a man, and have everything planned. But why do we rush my friend? We take too many things for granted that it's hard to see how fast life passes us by. Here I see people who are constantly pessimistic, ballistic, and far from logistic. Life happens all too quickly. People think that fun is getting drunk then having a one-night stand, being canned while the next day being called bland. Something fun is not remembering the next day just to say, "hahahaha!! I acted that way?!" But, life happens all too quickly.

We stop appreciating why we are here, and thank god for the beer that makes us unclear. Life happens all too quickly to be afraid of fear. I mean that's why we all get wasted, our faces pasted all over the Internet and a few minutes later be tasted by someone you don't even know; a way to forget all the regret that lives in our body and is released through sweat.

My friend, Life happens all too quickly to think that your thong hanging out of your pants, screaming chants, and wanting implants to change a perfectly imperfect body are normal. They say we always want what we don't have, but life just happens all too quickly. Enjoy what you can, stop trying to plan, because otherwise you are just like a con man. Acting like you are someone that you really aren't, neglecting the spot you've been given here. Listen to me: life happens all too quickly. So when push comes to shove, remember the love that continues to grow inside of you. Smile to the man on the street asking for some change, if you take a minute you will realize he's not strange, if anything take a lesson that you need to rearrange what is most important in this life, because life happens all too quickly.

So summer is here and I will have lots of time of nothing to write. :)

-Miss Optimistic