Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A Pool of Negativity

Hello Internet-

While the world sleeps, and I am wide awake...the only thing I can think of to do is turn to you. Lately, I have been paying attention to people and their starts to conversations. A majority start with a complain. "ugh this class." "I'm failing 2 classes" "Eh, my day is okay", the list goes on. With all of the continual negativity, it is no wonder why almost everyone here is either a dick or a bitch, to put it lightly. My bet is- you can't say more than 4 sentences without at least one of them being a complaint about your day so far, or about life right now. Quite frankly, I'm tired of it.

The negative energy thrives when around other negative energies. The positive ones have to struggle in order to keep at what they are doing, and to keep themselves them. I sometimes feel like I'm drowning in a pool of negativity. I have been struggling for breathes and anything to keep me afloat, and there hasn't been much to help me save myself from this insanity. Sometimes I wonder, can people see the good in anything?

Something is either good or bad, we have sinner and saint parties in college, something is either right or wrong. There is always a positive and a negative- but why? Why can't things be good and gooder, saint and saintier, right and righter? It's like we, as individuals, look for the bad in things to justify why we make decisions. I mean, yes I do complain sometimes, but GOD DAMN!!!! A complain is not the only thing to come out of my effing mouth. I am always looking for the good, and unfortunately, since people don't look for it as well, maybe they aren't seeing all of me.

A part of me feels this blog is next to useless...other than me just putting myself out there to look like an idiot to some of my friends who know who I am. I hope that people have found this, and appreciate what I am doing, but what am I doing? What is my point of all of this? I know I said in the beginning and in a few posts ago that it was for people to turn to- but is anyone even turning? I won't give up, I hope one day that people will find this and turn to it. In the mean time- I ramble on without really being able to help anyone...in a direct way. I may be helping people with my words and not even knowing it.

Anyway- my challenge to you Internet- is see the good in things. So you have 3 papers and 2 tests this week...stay level minded and just work your way through it bit by bit- it will get done.

My mom fell and split her knee open the other day because she was walking and texting. Her foot landed in a pot hole and well yea. After that- she said we all just need to slow down. We are constantly go go go and we forget to see the good in things. We look for the negative things that keep pulling us down, and then we are drowning. Tomorrow, where I am and a few other areas- is supposed to be rainy. Look past the rain, enjoy the day...and see the good in it.

-Miss Optimistic

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry your words are getting out there. You've helped me through alot of hard days. Thank you.
