Friday, July 2, 2010

What A Waste!

Hello Internet- (from ecuador :-D )

I hope summer/ break/ whatever you hve been doing for the last 3 weeks has been good, and hopefully some of the things I've written about you have had time to maybe apply them, or even just read them.

I have learned so much here in the last few weeks, and I have one more week left to keep on experiencing and learning. I must say, the biggest lesson I have learned here which is why I'm taking time to tell you! I think it's very important and something our society constantly neglects. We are wasting and contaminating our earth every day. Look at the things you buy. When I started learning about consumerism I was like yea whatever... And then... I realizes. Make-up. All that make up all of us girls buy- there is more packaging and plastic to hold the damn shit then there is actual product. You know, plastic never turns into compost, once it's made it's always here. And to make it we are burning deathly chemicals in the air; some people put it in fires to burn it awY, but that only puts more chemicals in the air.

I'm not telling you to stop buying things, because we all need things, just be smart. I am not going to use make up when I go home. Probably to go out or for special occasions I will, but I'm onl wasting a. my money and b. ruining the environment.

When I first got here I couldn't believethe pollution. People here just don't know any better, so they throw their plastc bags, bottles, cans, glass, anything on the side of the road. It's sad to see how poorly people take care of their community. And what does that do for us Internet? If our surroundings are poor and gross, then our moods probably aren't as good as they could be.

One thing I noticed about myself here, is I always hid behind a mask: my make up. But goig 3 weeks without it, I can actually start seeing the beauty my boyfriend tells me I have with out it. These industries make us believe we need to cover up and buy all this shit, when we don't even NEED half of it!

I will post again soon, just something to think about :-)

- Miss Optimistic

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