Thursday, July 15, 2010

Coming to Terms with Reality

Hello Internet-

So, as I have been struggling through the last week home, I have realized how terribly boring it is. And because I'm bored- I find myself doing the same thing...watching TV almost all the time. And what is TV doing for me? Abso-fucking-lutely NOTHING!

When you start thinking about it- although I am grateful for the computer I am writing this with, the internet that is in my home, and the technology we is slowly ruining us. While in Ecuador, and not even being able to watch a TV 99 percent of the time- I spent my free time writing in a journal and reading. Now, I am back, and technology took it's place once again. Last night I at least read myself to sleep instead of watching TV. And that's what I want to do get out of most technologies and rely on what is there and in my hand.

I have been home alone for the last 4 days though, which I think has something to do with it...because I normally don't watch TV all that much anyway. But, tink about it much time do you waste using technology, when you could be doing something else?? Can you cut that time- try to do something else?

And that is my challenge to you Internet- try limiting the use of technology and if you can eliminate some of them, and not only will you be helping yourself, but the environment as well.

-Miss Optimistic

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