Saturday, July 10, 2010

Our Own Worst Enemies

Hello Internet-

I am home from Ecuador, and have never been happier! :-) A short post today for you to think about.

While I was brushing my teeth I started looking back on my trip, and I realized...we always are way too hard on ourselves. We always over think situations and we always try to figure out what other people are thinking. But 99% of the time, we are wrong.

For the last five weeks I felt that these few girls honestly did not like me, until my plane ride home, when I read the short letters they wrote in the back of my journal. Not only had I been wrong the whole time, but they only were trying to take me under their wings and show me things they had learned; which I was too stubborn and ignorant to understand.

So my point Internet, is a. don't try to think you know what others are thinking, because most of the time, you don't know. and b. let go. Stop being so hard on yourself because it only ruins opportunities in the end.

We have only one life, so live it.

- Miss Optimistic

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