Friday, December 16, 2011

Let's play the "Blame Game"

Hello Internet-< /br> < /br>One thing I have learned from friendships and relationships in general, is we always like to play the blame game. Why? Does it give us satisfaction to tell the other how they fucked up when we are the ones getting in trouble? I try to not bring up past examples into an argument, but if I feel they are relevant I always do. What is the point? Why is it we cannot let go of things that affect us in some way? Is it because they affected us then, or now, and we just let it go because the other one wanted us to, and not because WE were ready to let it go.< /br> < /br>So I have this problem. A friend of mine did something and it's just eating away at me, and I have no idea why. They keep saying- let it go it's stupid, and my heart keeps twisting and killing me more. I have had many posts about how letting go is one of the most important steps to being happy, so why can't I let this go? Why is it this one thing that is slowly eroding my insides, like a river erodes at the earth below it. And, why is it so important to the other person for it to just be let go? Clearly, I am keeping this vague for a reason.< /br> < /br>My point is: we all let go at some time, but what is the better time Internet? To let go when someone tells you to, or to let go when you are ready to? And is there even a difference?< /br> < /br>But, one of the most important rules in any relationship, friendship, or acquaintance....never play the blame game. What is the point in bringing up what the other has done? If they mean something to you too- does it make you feel better to watch them suffer or be sad? Cause when one of my friends or someone I love is sad or suffering, I become sad and hurt for them. More important- when did the blame game become so natural? Ugh...society.< /br> I don't know- comment/thoughts below.< /br> -Miss Optimistic

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