Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Just try.

Hello Internet-

Lately, I have been studying Hemingway. Reading his books, articles about him, and also quotes he has written. Although this CRAZY author was all over the place, there are things that he has said that are beautifully written. For example this quote:

"Before you talk, listen.
Before you react, think.
Before you spend, earn.
Before you criticize, wait.
Before you pray, forgive.
Before you quit, try.
-Ernest Heminway

What I love about this quote is it challenges everything that our gut always tells us to do. Our instincts are so sharp that when something happens, (this doesn't go for everyone) we immediately react...but why? How can we learn to live or work with other people if we don't even know how to act in a mature manner. That may have come off a little harsh. But think about it, how many times has your emotions taken over and you do something that you probably shouldn't have? For me, that number is too high to count.

I'm a scorpio- so my emotions immediately take over me. This habit or instinct is something I have been working on for years, and let me tell you- it's really hard to break. Jealousy, anger, or sadness all seem to take over my brain and the rest is history. I'd like to say I've gotten better, but the only ones that know that are my closest friends and my family.

The most important thing any of us can do is try, the last sentence of Hemingway's quote. What's the worst that can happen from trying- failing? Well here's another quote I've heard many many times but don't know who it's by : "Fall down 7, get back up 8." There is always another opportunity to try- so what is stopping you?

I challenge you all to try these six steps and see how your life changes.

Comment if you'd like.
As always, much love!
-Miss Optimistic

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