Friday, December 10, 2010


Hello Internet-

Lately, I have been having a lot of distractions- hence why I haven't been writing as frequently. My mind, my body, and my soul continue to be distracted even when I don't want them to be. Right now I am distracting myself with this post instead of writing a final paper for a class. We constantly do it- but why? We like procrastinating and putting things off till the last minute. I've been thinking about this, and what is so great about distractions? Why do we need our minds to be constantly buzzing and busy?

My theory is this:

We are afraid. I'm distracting myself because I am afraid of how my paper is going to come out, or I really just don't know where to take it from where it is.

We distract ourselves from relationships because we fear we are losing feelings or we are feeling something different.

We distract ourselves from our friends because we love what is distracting us.

We are naturally attracted to things that will keep us busy. Example: FACEBOOK! Keeps our mind busy on stalking people, and our mind off of the work we are supposed to be doing. CELL PHONES! We distract ourselves from class with this technology that keeps our mind focused on what we think is more important.

How do we know what is more important though Internet? We do what we want- and I think that's the problem. We don't think about the consequences our actions may have- we just do. We get caught up in moments and realize later they mean little to nothing. We take little initiative with the things that we have to do, and a lot of initiative with the things we want to do.

These distractions shouldn't be seen as a bad thing though- if we want to be distracted from something, most likely it's not that important to us subconsciously anyway. Keep that in mind, and just follow your heart <3.

-Miss Optimistic

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