Monday, June 6, 2011

So Demanding...

Hello Internet-

Now that I have tons of time to let my mind wander and think on a day to day basis...I started thinking about all the things that we do. We are a culture or a species of habit. We do things that we are comfortable with doing, and then get pissed when we are served the same old shit on a platter.

For example... I always tend to find people, or they find me, that never seem to stick around. But, what if it's not that they don't stick around, it's that I've just been doing something over and over again to make people not want to stay? Not a great example, but hopefully you get the idea.

"If you do what you have always done, you'll get what you have always gotten." -Anon

We expect more from new people that come into our lives, we expect more from new situations, we just expect too much I think. Try something new and take chances. What do you have to lose? So it could be a little embarrassing or a little disappointing, but think about the end result. By not doing the same habitual things over and over again, we will always have new situations and new moments to take chances. The only thing that we fear is fear itself...because we are so scared to step out of our comfort zone. But have you ever really tried?

When I think about the quote from Anon, I immediately think of the movie "Yes Man" with Jim Carey. If you haven't seen it- do's amazing what you come across when you just say yes and take a little leap of faith.

I recently have made some choices that are taking a huge leap of faith. As I told a friend...I'm taking a chance. On what- he has no idea...but the idea is is that I should always be taking chances, we should always be taking risks. We never know how far we can go if we are stuck in the same spot.

My challenge to myself, join me if you'd like, is to not restrict myself. Especially with traveling abroad next semester, I don't want there to be limits. I mean, I've already jumped off a bridge, gone white water rafting (I had a bad experience with water when I was younger), gone waterfall repelling, and more. I have not enjoyed these activities in the moment as they scared the shit out of me, but when you are done, you just feel such relief that you did something you never thought you would do.

Try it.
-Miss Optimistic

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