Monday, September 27, 2010

The Best Meal of the Day!

Hello Internet-

Breakfast time isn't it? It's funny, because they always say that breakfast is the best meal of the day. They may be right, may not be...I think it depends on the person, but honestly- what better time to think through things when you have a little snack in your hands. :-)

Life isn't necessarily all about waking up grabbing breakfast and then on the go to school, work, or wherever you go. A lot of us get in these funks where we are almost too comfortable with life. Don't relax. Change it up.

I recently haven't been too optimistic. It's been really hard for me to continue posting when the gloominess of my head has just taken over. But I keep staying optimistic that I'm going to get over this. I mean, that's all we can do. Is push through it and get to the end of the tunnel.

There has been a lot I have learned in the last month or two and I can't quite channel it into words to portray to you. All that I have done and gone through, and blog stays blank. I always think the best time to think is in the shower or when I am eating. Two places/times you can never go wrong. AND! The thoughts go into the trash you throw out after you are done eating, and the thoughts rush down the drain while you're in the shower.

So, if you're breakfast isn't doing it...try just thinking about your life, where you are going, what you are doing, who you want to be with, who are you going to be with, etc. Internet, there are questions to life that can never be answered- but don't let that hesitate you. Go get the answers you want. Sit down and eat some breakfast instead of grabbing a bar on the go, and have some time to yourself.

-Miss Optimistic

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