Monday, September 27, 2010

The Best Meal of the Day!

Hello Internet-

Breakfast time isn't it? It's funny, because they always say that breakfast is the best meal of the day. They may be right, may not be...I think it depends on the person, but honestly- what better time to think through things when you have a little snack in your hands. :-)

Life isn't necessarily all about waking up grabbing breakfast and then on the go to school, work, or wherever you go. A lot of us get in these funks where we are almost too comfortable with life. Don't relax. Change it up.

I recently haven't been too optimistic. It's been really hard for me to continue posting when the gloominess of my head has just taken over. But I keep staying optimistic that I'm going to get over this. I mean, that's all we can do. Is push through it and get to the end of the tunnel.

There has been a lot I have learned in the last month or two and I can't quite channel it into words to portray to you. All that I have done and gone through, and blog stays blank. I always think the best time to think is in the shower or when I am eating. Two places/times you can never go wrong. AND! The thoughts go into the trash you throw out after you are done eating, and the thoughts rush down the drain while you're in the shower.

So, if you're breakfast isn't doing it...try just thinking about your life, where you are going, what you are doing, who you want to be with, who are you going to be with, etc. Internet, there are questions to life that can never be answered- but don't let that hesitate you. Go get the answers you want. Sit down and eat some breakfast instead of grabbing a bar on the go, and have some time to yourself.

-Miss Optimistic

Sunday, September 26, 2010



My eyes start swelling,
I can feel it coming.
All the regret and guilt
Is finally creeping down my cheek.

The pain the sorrow,
Is mine nothing you want to borrow.
All that I have built
Is finally falling into the creek.

Alone is how I feel,
I have lost a way to deal.
And I hurt you so bad,
It’s tearing me up inside.

A lost soul,
Out in the cold.
And I am more than sad,
All because I lied.

I promise you my heart
No more shots in the dark.
It is you and me forever,
This is the only thing I know.

Just know how sorry I am,
And that you are my only man.
I am done trying to be clever,
Because we will never sink below.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Tired of Waiting

Hello Internet-

I am going to warn you- this is going to be a rant, because we all need to vent :-).

I am so tired of waiting. I am tired of waiting for people to start caring, for people to appreciate what they have. I'm so tired of people treating others like shit, for people being rude, dishonest, or just plain dumb. When are we going to learn?!

We all have emotions. We all hurt, are happy, laugh, cry, the list could go on. I am just so tired! Every new experience I go through just tires me. How can you abandon a family? How can you cheat on a girlfriend, or have an affair behind your wife's back? How can you cheat in general- on a test, on anything? How can you lie? How can you back-stab? I don't understand how people go through life treating others like shit and walking all over people to get where they want to be.

A thought was brought to my attention earlier. What if they constantly do this to you because they like the reaction they get. I don't see how! All I do is curl up in a ball and not talk, well even less than I was before. How can someone sit there and watch that happen? How does anyone feel okay with knowing someone is hurting or some one isn't okay? I'm not saying people like to see me curled up in a ball hurt, but let's be honest. I have had 5 people in my life push and push when they know something is not right, and three of those people are family members. Maybe one or two more, but that's it. Normally people just let you keep doing you.

I came across a poem today, it talked about us having masks on so that no one knows something is wrong when we are really dying on the inside. HOW TRUE IS THIS INTERNET!??!?! I do it all the time. AND I'M SO DAMN TIRED OF WEARING THAT FUCKING MASK!! UGH!!!!

But then the issue comes in to...when did it all start? Cause now I've been wearing that mask and now all my emotions are jumbled into one and who the fuck knows where all of the tears and pain are coming from. We need to find those people that are tired of waiting too. Tired of waiting for the world to change.

Like the king of pop says, it starts with us.

"I'm starting with the man in the mirror
I'm asking him to change his ways.
And no message could have been any clearer.
If you want to make the world a better place,
Take a look at yourself then. make. that. change!!!" - Michael Jackson R.I.P

How the fuck are we supposed to look at ourselves and change a whole society full of ignorant assholes?? I'm tired of waiting. I've looked in the mirror and changed my ways, so why the fuck haven't other people?!?!

Do you know what I mean internet??

-Miss Optimistic

Need advice? E-mail

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Who Knows?

Hello Internet-

Today I came across a quote-

"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." - Marcus Aurelius

This is something I have heard over and over again, but have never heard it this way. How true though? How do we know things are facts or truths- it's all just how we see the world. We can make anything we want it to be as long as we believe. As long as we have our perspectives and opinions, it is ours.

Know what you have, what you know, what you think, what you feel- because when it comes down to it..that's all that matters. Fuck what the world says, because who is to say they are even right?

-Miss Optimistic

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Hello Internet-

Since, the title is questions, why not start out with one? There are always questions, and 99.9% of the time, we probably don't know the answers to them. Questions keep us pushing but they can also hold us back. They help us obtain knowledge, help us adjust knowledge, and help us lose knowledge. How can we find these answers? And why do we always need these answers?

There are always those moments in life where we just don't know. We don't even know the questions to be asked, or how to answer questions that may be asked. We look to others to just help, in any way they can. We look for anything to explain what could possibly be going on inside. You shouldn't have to look hard. There are always reasons for everything. Every feeling, every thought, every action, and every breathe. We are always going toward where we are supposed to be.

Our emotions may be just pushing us away from something or toward something else. So right now, I am question and answerless. It's late, I'm tired, my mind is next to blank, and it's all just numb. The part that sucks the most, is I did nothing to get into this state. I didn't take anything, I didn't do anything, this is just me right now. And it's weird, ever since I've been back at school, ever since all this family shit has exploded- that's all things are to me is dull or numb. I would much rather take something to make me feel this way, then not understand why I am feeling this way.

I think we all feel this way. We all would rather have the answers, then be the ones asking the questions. I thought I was always the one with the answers, that any one could come to me, and I could have the advice, I could help, and it's now that I realize I don't know how. Yes some of you read this blog, and have told me how I am so good with words, I am so wise, etc. But how can I sit here and give you advice when I can't even give myself advice.

I guess that is the lesson of this post- one can never turn to themselves for advice. I think that's why I'm here right now. I kept telling myself I had it, that I was okay, that I was handling my emotions okay, and then all of a sudden it get's blown in my face. Like HAHAHA!! YOU DON'T HAVE A FUCKING CLUE!!!

I told a friend the other day, people give the best advice on the parts of life they need advice on. If that makes sense, I hope it does. I guess I'm saying, never try to help yourself, most of the time, it just leads you to confusion and dullness.

Yeah, I don't know.
-Miss Optimistic