Sunday, July 31, 2011

Something New Everyday....

Hello Internet-

So today, I found inspiration in a place that I let go. Hopefully he will come across this at some point. The reason I created this blog was to teach people. But how do I teach when I feel I'm not learning? I'm experiencing, but not things I find worthy of writing about. I'm not EXPERIENCING. I leave in 2 weeks for a semester abroad, and am more than excited to leave. As much as I love home, I tend to get in a lull when I am here...and everything just turns bland.

We apparently learn something new everyday, or so they I should have a post for everyday...but I don't. (Obviously.) I think the point of this saying, is that we subconsciously learn something new everyday. We constantly observe, judge, see, hear, and talk about others, so we have to learn about others as we go along...but what do we consciously pick up? Little to nothing really...but when it comes to us in a similar situation we heard, saw, or observed we know exactly what to do. I think this blog (for me) has patience. It's not rushed or forced, it's reality within writing, for you to read- whether you like it or not.

Every now and then I always change the background to my computer. Before it was a quote I posted up here a while ago about how you shouldn't regret because at one point it was exactly what you wanted...something like that, and now, it says:

"If you're brave to say 'good bye', life will reward you with a new 'hello'. "

I hate good bye's personally. I never want to let anyone out ofmy life, and when I do...I always go back to them. I always wonder what they are doing, how I can help them, or how I should've changed things to keep them in my life.

I'm a free spirit- I think the best way to live is to just enjoy, so with the new good bye's I will be saying as I make my journey across the Atlantic, there will be plenty of hello's waiting for me :)

-Miss Optimistic

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Most beautiful people...

Hello Internet-

A quote I came across:

"The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen." - Elizabeth Kubler Ros

How great is that quote? It makes so much sense too. You know, when you get out of something that is so life changing, and you look back on how it made you appreciate the sadness that came from the situation. In that case- make the best of the shitty things life gives you. It only makes you more beautiful.

Our souls grow with the lessons we learn. From pain, happiness, suffering, and every other emotion. With more emotions we experience the more we grow.

-Miss Optimistic

Sunday, July 3, 2011

What could we use more of?

Hello Internet-

A couple days ago I wathced a movie called "Listen to your heart". It's a story about a struggling musician in NYC who ends up falling in love with a deaf girl. Then the girls mom sucks and tries to control her and split them up. Eventually the girl comes around and tell her mom off and goes to find her man- only to find out he's dying of cancer now...the uncurable kind too. They play the "newlywed" game where a question is asked and you have to try and guess what the other person is going to say. The question was what could you never have enough of? The girl answered books, and the boy answered love.

Come to think about it, our society's problem is that we just don't love enough. We think that the only kind of love is one shared between a man and a woman- but think about it we love our family, friends, strangers, etc. We need to keep spreading love because I don't think anyone gets enough of it. We consume ourselves in the non stop cycle we call life. Finding a head over heals, butterflies in the stomach, non stop happy love is great, but we need to remember that there is that love that we need between friends, between family, in general. Share the love you have and you will get the love you deserve back.

Love you :)
-Miss Optimstic